Moosh vs nohup backup and restore
by Jamie Tinley. I'm backing up and restoring courses from moodle 3.0 to moodle. 3.4 both on ubuntu servers. I've used Moosh on both and when I try to restore the course is always blank. I tried to...
View ArticleRe: Moosh vs nohup backup and restore
by Ken Task. The nohup affects any shell command issued ... no hang up ... complete the script ... period. I use it only when the ssh server timeouts kick in before the backup/restore commands have a...
View ArticleRe: Moosh vs nohup backup and restore
by Jamie Tinley. Thanks Ken,for those following. If I do it manually it works perfectly. two things I noticed, I do have a 3rd party app called Blackboard Ultra that I unchecked before importing. I...
View ArticleRe: Moosh vs nohup backup and restore
by Ken Task. That plugin ... Blackboard Ultra ... would need to be installed in the new server AND configured to restore a course that used that plugin. Could cause a hickup in restore.As far as...
View ArticleRe: Moosh vs nohup backup and restore
by Jamie Tinley. for those following this, I found a Workaround: if I import the problem course into a new course but just activities, questions , and poorly edited topics/dates by user (where too...
View ArticleRe: Moosh vs nohup backup and restore
by Ken Task. Jamie and I have been 'collaborating' (not the mod) ... he uploaded an .mbz to a server outside of Moodle using Webmin.That allowed me to inspect what was actually in the backup by...
View ArticleBulk backups consuming too much disk space even though I'm sending the...
by Sean Scott. Hi,I'm having an issue where my bulk course backups is eating up gigs of space even though I'm sending the backups to a completely different drive located on a separate NAS device.I've...
View ArticleRe: Bulk backups consuming too much disk space even though I'm sending the...
by Ken Task. Looks like having only 4 Gig space would make it tight. :\ I have manually removed all contents of the trashdir with no ill affects site wide, but, then again, dunno if a teacher...
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Renaat Debleu. Problem finally fixed in the latest Moodle releases.
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Natassia Stelmaszek. Excellent, Thank YOU!Natassia
View ArticleIncreasing succes on automated backup
by Richard van Iwaarden. These are our usual scores:Summary================================================== Courses; 921 OK; 121 Skipped; 479 Error; 0 Unfinished; 320 Warning; 0 Automated...
View Articleissue in automated restore of courses
by deva m. Hi there,i been facing issue while running script for automated course restoring.with the reference to the following...
View ArticleCourse Backup versus User Backup Area (file location?)
by Debbie Unterseher. This past February we changed the automatic backup to go into a specified directory. So I know where those backups are! However, when I go to Backup under the Course...
View ArticleRe: Course Backup versus User Backup Area (file location?)
by Ken Task. What version of Moodle?"Course backup area" as well as some in the "User Backup Area" are kept in the 'sea' of files ... moodledata/filedir/ DB query of mdl_files for contenthash then...
View ArticleRe: Course Backup versus User Backup Area (file location?)
by Debbie Unterseher. Moodle 3.2 was what is was until most recent update to 3.5.I can delete them as a user, but as an admin how do I delete all of them? Sounds like I can just search for all .mbz...
View ArticleRe: Course Backup versus User Backup Area (file location?)
by Ken Task. No tool in core code nor plugin that I've found that will 'delete them all'.Use query to find contenthash ... remove manually or via script then also remove the mdl_files row/record that...
View ArticleRe: Course Backup versus User Backup Area (file location?)
by Colin Fraser. Just as a side note, I understand that there is a bit of a push on for doing more things in bulk. As courses grow in number, there is going to be an increase in demand for disk space....
View Article[3.5]Thousands of info_from_mbz_.... files
by Richard van Iwaarden. My Moodledata\temp\backup folder has thousands of info_from_mbz_.... folders. It seems like every minute one seems to be created.In backup_general_helper.class.php you'll find...
View ArticleRe: [3.5]Thousands of info_from_mbz_.... files
by Ken Task. Recommend Moosh cause it's probably a very efficient tool ... but alas, not for those who desire to avoid the command line ... on any flavor.However, check out your Moodle's scheduled...
View ArticleRe: [3.5]Thousands of info_from_mbz_.... files
by Richard van Iwaarden. Oh, I have no objection against command-line. Hell, I love the 80's. It's just that in many cases the one administrating the server (let's call him John) and the one...
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