ERROR: relation "mdl_backup_ids_temp" does not exist
by Shaun T. I'm getting this error when trying to restore a course from a manual backup. I'm on version 3.1.6 and using a PostgreSQL db. I believe its an issue with the question bank as when I exclude...
View ArticleRe: [3.4] Automated backups initial run (1000 courses)
by Richard van Iwaarden. Thanks, but to bad that's not an option for me... hosted Moodle, no command line.
View ArticleRe: [3.4] Automated backups initial run (1000 courses)
by Richard van Iwaarden. Well...Finally, when started on April 12 it finished its backup run on May 18. I received this mail today:Summary================================================== Courses;...
View ArticleRe: Moodle site is doing daily backups at 45gb and killing the disk
by Richard van Iwaarden. Hi Andrew,Also look at this thread, I was having exactly the same problem. Had to do with the recycle bin. diskspace was...
View ArticleRe: Switched to HTTPS - images now broken
by Ken Task. Am confused about this strand/thread ... probably because your posting is mixed in with another users.So ... if you did what you said:"Basically, I ran the search and replace thus:old:...
View ArticleMoodle Login page redirects to a wrong URL
by Ayyaz Qamar. Hi I am the Moodle admin for a training institute. Yesterday, I configured Self Registration & Paypal Registration to out program and saved it. I saved the details and logged-out....
View ArticleRe: Moodle Login page redirects to a wrong URL
by Ken Task. What's in the /ocen/ directory?Do you have a WordPress or something else running at /online/?Do you have a web service redirect setup? .htaccess or in main config file for web service?In...
View ArticleRe: Moodle Login page redirects to a wrong URL
by Ayyaz Qamar. Hi KenThank you very much for your kind response. OCEN directory just has Moodle in it. Wordpress runs online on the same domain. I am not sure about redirect setup, could you please...
View ArticleRe: Moodle Login page redirects to a wrong URL
by Ken Task. In your first posting you said the url to login was site/ocen/moodle/ Is there a config.php file in /ocen/ or is there a moodle directory inside ocen and inside the 'moodle' directory...
View ArticleRe: Moodle Login page redirects to a wrong URL
by Ayyaz Qamar. Hi Kenthere is a moodle directory inside ocen and inside the 'moodle' directory there a config.php fileto the best of my knowledge, I have not set-up any redirection, not I entered...
View ArticleRe: Moodle Login page redirects to a wrong URL
by Ken Task. That direct URL was an attempt to get you to the area where one could check setting or disable plugins.So of that one got re-directed am thinking it has to be outside of Moodle.Have you...
View ArticleRe: Moodle Login page redirects to a wrong URL
by Ayyaz Qamar. Hi Ken, thanks for your prompt response. I shall try to follow and instruction and see if it works and will update here.
View ArticleRe: Moodle Login page redirects to a wrong URL
by Ken Task. Was the site http and you recently acquired a valid CA and you setup https on that server?Reason I ask .... many folks do have a re-write rule to force all http:// traffic to https://....
View ArticleRe: Moodle Login page redirects to a wrong URL
by Ken Task. Found your site.Looks like you got it fixed.Please do share back what was wrong and how you fixed. Others might find themselves in similar situation and your posting could provide a...
View ArticleCourse Backup Not Showing Up
by Carolyn DeHass. Hi All,I've read countless forum posts and thank all contributors for your useful information. Background info:I am helping a family member who creates E-Learning for companies...
View ArticleRe: إعادة: Re: problem in backup
by mahesh kumar. Sometimes there is cached files and you have to clear all cache before taking backup.. i hope it works because i have the same problem but now its working fineThank...
View ArticleMoodle Login page redirects to a wrong URL
by Ayyaz Qamar. Hi I am the Moodle admin for a training institute. Yesterday, I configured Self Registration & Paypal Registration to out program and saved it. I saved the details and logged-out....
View ArticleDelete old backup files?
by Rex Lorenzo. When a user creates a backup the backup file just sits in the user's private files area. I am guessing it stays there forever?Is there a config setting to limit how long backup files...
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Natassia Stelmaszek. Possible Temporary Workaround?I stumbled on something that stopped (for the time being) the excessive backups. A quick review, my problem was that my disk space was being...
View ArticleRe: Delete old backup files?
by Ken Task. Boy I wish! :|When in private files, only by logging in as that Teacher can admin level actually see them - thus be able to delete via Admin UI.Queryselect...
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