Re: Restore not finishing...
by Ken Task. A plugin/addon that was compat with 3.11 and used in a course but not compat with 4.5 would create problems.I really don't know of a way to preview that in the GUI if all you have is the...
View ArticleRe: Restore not finishing...
by Ricardo Caiado. Hi, Ken I managed to restore the course using "moosh"."Overwriting current content of existing course -> Course ID: 4090 Restoring (new course id,shortname,destination category):...
View ArticleRe: Restore not finishing...
by Ken Task. No, I can't! :|But, from what you shared, moosh kept the same course ID and overwrote rows/tables related?I used the CLI restore that comes with core and did a new course php...
View ArticleRe: Restore not finishing...
by Ricardo Caiado. Hi, Ken. I did find a way, but... how can we work this out?
View ArticleRe: Restore not finishing...
by Ken Task. Total guess ... but ...Original error:Adhoc task custom data: {"backupid":"9e3be2a63e83b2346f4a6e7bc917e01a"}.Is 9e3be2a63e83b2346f4a6e7bc917e01a a directory in moodledata/temp/backup/?...
View ArticleRe: Restore not finishing...
by Ken Task. Another follow up ...There is a column in mdl_course called originalcourseidIn a query:select id,fullname,shortname,originalcourseid from mdl_course;that shows all courses, 2 at the...
View ArticleRe: Restore not finishing...
by Ricardo Caiado. Hi, Ken. My understanding is that having "null" in the "originalcourseid" field does not necessarily mean that an original course has been removed. If the course that appears in...
View ArticleRe: Restore not finishing...
by Ken Task. Original error:Adhoc task custom data: {"backupid":"9e3be2a63e83b2346f4a6e7bc917e01a"}.Is 9e3be2a63e83b2346f4a6e7bc917e01a a directory in moodledata/temp/backup/?Failed task are supposed...
View ArticleRe: Issue with Course Restoration in Moodle 4.5.1
by José Renato Castro Milanez. I have the same problem but one with mysql 8.0.41 and other with mariadb 10.11.10 . I just removed the key 'mdl_coursect_cousec_uix' and the restores are working ok...
View ArticleRe: Issue with Course Restoration in Moodle 4.5.1
by Tomi R. @Omar RamonI have tested your code and the course and its subsections restored correctly. Many thanks!
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