Re: [3.5]Thousands of info_from_mbz_.... files
by Emma Richardson. If John is in control of the server, then he needs to come up with a script to take care of it! Does Pete not have Cron access either?But if these are automated backups, then you...
View ArticleRe: [3.5]Thousands of info_from_mbz_.... files
by Richard van Iwaarden. Sure I can ask John to make a quotation for a backup script (remember... he's working for a foreign IT-company). But bare in mind John has no Moodle knowledge whatsoever.The...
View ArticleRe: [3.5]Thousands of info_from_mbz_.... files
by Ken Task. We could share stories about the politics of technical/non-technical roles/access/ etc forever. Even cross over knowledge ... just enough to understand the affects of what one does on...
View ArticleConfig table does not contain version
by Jordan Young. So... I messed up. Didn't backup Moodle and have been trying to restore for the last three days using the following;/var/www/html/moodle/var/www/moodledateAnd all the files within...
View ArticleRe: Config table does not contain version
by Ken Task. If you took no backup, where did the folders/files related to moodle come from?Where did the files/folders in /var/www/html/moodle come from?Where did the files/folders in...
View ArticleRe: Config table does not contain version
by Jordan Young. I managed to access the failed server locally and recover a copy of the /var/www/html/moodle, /var/www/moodledata and database folder within lib./var/www/html/moodle/verison.php...
View ArticleRe: Config table does not contain version
by Jordan Young. defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();$version = 2018051700.00; // 20180517 = branching date YYYYMMDD - do not modify! //...
View ArticleRe: Config table does not contain version
by Ken Task. What operating system?Was the database on the old server named 'moodlenew' or did you change the name of the directory from 'moodle' to 'moodlenew' manually? Did you do that with mysqld...
View ArticleRe: Config table does not contain version
by Jordan Young. New and older servers are running Ubuntu 18.04Old database was called moodle, new server database is moodle new. Copied the entire folder contents from the old server into the new...
View ArticleRe: Config table does not contain version
by Ken Task. Thanks for answering questions ...I have had experience at attempting to recover a crashed server (database/mysql) due to no space. That was a really terrible experience and recovery of...
View ArticleRe: Config table does not contain version
by Jordan Young. Appreciate your response.The old server had nothing else hosted on it apart from Moodle.Could you talk me through trying to sort the version issue out on my new server?As you can...
View ArticleRe: Config table does not contain version
by Ken Task. No such thing as 'walk through' in this case ... if the database was already corrupted on old server when you xferred the raw moodle db files to new server then .... ????? ... me thinks...
View ArticleRe: Config table does not contain version
by Jordan Young. Hi KenI have now managed to get SSH access back into the old server. First attempt this morning was to install phpmyadmin to look at the database and take a backup but got the...
View ArticleRe: Config table does not contain version
by Ken Task. I'll send a PM (private message) to you with another EMail address for me so we can converse off list ... forum is delayed and you need this like yesterday.But before I do that, now that...
View ArticleMoodle Errors
by Jordan Young. Hi All, getting the below error when completing a test or opening some files on my moodle site. An error occurred while processing your responses (Error writing to database). Click...
View ArticleRe: Config table does not contain version
by Jordan Young. Anyone reading this - I would high recommend Ken. He has gone above and beyond in his efforts in resolving my issues.
View ArticleBacking Up Announcements
by Juan F. Hi all,Can you backup posted announcements and then restore them into a new course? I create about 40 announcements each time I teach and would like to not have to recreate these...
View Articlemoodle 3.1 backup user with profile image
by ivan Rivas. HiDoes anyone know if can make a backup of users with them profile images and if so how is it run?
View ArticleRe: Backing Up Announcements
by Helen Foster. Hi Juan,You could create a backup of posted announcements by backing up the forum and including user data. However, when you restore the backup file, all users enrolled in the...
View ArticleThe Authenticated user role in the backup file cannot be mapped to any of the...
by Alec Young. Evening All,Got a bit of an issue arising with backing up and restoring from one moodle to another.I have roughly a couple hundred or so courses to go from one moodle to another, these...
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