Re: Possible to 'backwards' restore from Moodle 2.7 to 1.9?
by Dan Marsden. i'd be very tempted to just write a Moodle filter that converted the words on the fly - and install/configure that filter on your US site - that way you don't have to modify any of the...
View ArticleHow to make a backup of an activity that has dependencies?
by Juho Jaakkola. I'm working on adding the backup/restore feature for the Moodle plugin for H5P.I'm wondering how to implement it, because the individual course activities have dependencies to...
View ArticleRe: How to make a backup of an activity that has dependencies?
by Juho Jaakkola. Now that I think about it more, the libraries are site-wide, so perhaps they do not need to be included in the activity backup at all.What is the orthodox way in a case like this?...
View ArticleRe: How to make a backup of an activity that has dependencies?
by Juho Jaakkola. D'oh! The hvp table has direct connections to the hvp_libraries table, so of course the library needs to be included. Otherwise there is no way to know what the original libraries...
View ArticleRe: 'Locked by dependencies' - Can't import activities
by Caitlyn Duggan. HiWe just had the same thing happen - and we fixed it by going back to step 1 of the import process, and ensuring that Question Bank was selected in the first screen.Hope that...
View ArticleRe: No Backup Logs - Automated Backup Setup
by Emma Richardson. No, the automated backup set up page, not the default settings...
View ArticleRe: No Backup Logs - Automated Backup Setup
by Séverin Terrier. And for me it's not clear from the other message if cron is correctly set up, to occure regularly.The more details we have, the more we can help you, and the opposite...
View ArticleRe: No Backup Logs - Automated Backup Setup
by Theo Yianni. Sorry, but you did ask for 'automated backup settings'.Please refer to my first post, I have already attached the 'automated backup set up page'.Thanks,
View ArticleRe: Possible to 'backwards' restore from Moodle 2.7 to 1.9?
by Alex Vanden Bosch. That just changes the language of Moodle, no? I need to change the language within our content which is made up of various things like lessons and pages.
View ArticleRe: Possible to 'backwards' restore from Moodle 2.7 to 1.9?
by Alex Vanden Bosch. Its mainly Moodle pages, but some lessons. It was originally Word docs, but it has been split up and put into various Moodle pages. For example; a subject on Genetics has been...
View ArticleRe: Possible to 'backwards' restore from Moodle 2.7 to 1.9?
by Alex Vanden Bosch. That just sounds like magic and witchcraft to me, I'm afraid!Edit: Just looking at the Moodledocs page on filters and it looks like you could be right! Just going to give it a go...
View ArticleRe: Possible to 'backwards' restore from Moodle 2.7 to 1.9?
by Alex Vanden Bosch. Sorry for the delayed response, but see above
View ArticleRe: No Backup Logs - Automated Backup Setup
by Emma Richardson. I apologize - should have looked closer. So nothing is showing up in the course backup area at all? Anything in the backup logs? Under admin/reports. Then I would guess we are...
View ArticleRe: Possible to 'backwards' restore from Moodle 2.7 to 1.9?
by Alex Vanden Bosch. It looks like you're onto a winner there; I followed the 'hello world' tutorial and it works perfectly! I think I owe you about a month of my life!One small question though. This...
View ArticleRe: Possible to 'backwards' restore from Moodle 2.7 to 1.9?
by Colin Fraser. Why are you deliberately entering misspellings into your text? No wonder kids can't read any more!Look at the Oxford Dictionary, please! P.S Webster got it wrong! Ask Stephen...
View ArticleRe: Possible to 'backwards' restore from Moodle 2.7 to 1.9?
by Dan Marsden. few different options - one would be putting them in an array like this:$strings = array();$strings['colour'] = 'color';$strings['centre'] = 'center';foreach ($strings as $string1...
View ArticleRestore file ID number from backup
by Eramir Rasvet. Hello!When I make backup of my module files, I use this line:$voiceshadow->annotate_files('mod_voiceshadow', 'private', null);How can I update old ID numbers to new when I make...
View ArticleRe: Restore, Backup and Import fail due to dmlwrite exception
by Daniel Costa. Hi Emma and everybody,I´m also having the same issue in local, using moodle 3.0, PHP 5.6.3 and MySQL 5.0.11 .I can backup and restore "small" courses. When I try to backup or restore...
View ArticleRe: Restore, Backup and Import fail due to dmlwrite exception
by Daniel Costa. Hi everybody,I could solve the issue in local, increasing innodb_log_file_size to a higher value (100mb) and also innodb_buffer_pool_sizeto 4x (400mb) .Here some references to the...
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