Re: Moodle 2.9: Restore - Error connecting to the server
by Christoph Ruda. Hi Graham,This post actually goes a while back but did you ever find the solution for the 'Error connecting to server'? I'm seeing the same on Moodle 3.0.2. We have no trouble...
View ArticleRestore moodle database from a directory
by Gabriel Mascarenhas. Good afternoon.I had to change the domain that my moodle enviroment was installed, but unfortunately i have not followed the formal procedure to do this. So now I have all my...
View ArticleRe: Restore moodle database from a directory
by Ken Task. Sounds like you are remotely hosted and have only PHPMyAdmin as a backended tool ... ie, NO ssh access. That correct?If so, where is it hosted? Hosting providers do have...
View ArticleRe: Restore moodle database from a directory
by Visvanath Ratnaweera. Hallo Gabriel If I understood right, during a change in domain, you lost the old database without any chance of getting it back. If that is true, you have to forget your old...
View ArticleDeleted the Category and lost course content
by Pooja Jain. By Mistake, i deleted the category and lost the courses. Is there a way i can restore it. I copied both the trash and temp folder using FTP. I don't have any (known) backups. Please...
View ArticleRe: Restore moodle database from a directory
by Ken Task. It appears that you already have the code located at /home3/hira/public_html/If one goes to one sees a moodle. It functions so moodledatamust be somewhere not shown...
View ArticleRe: Deleted the Category and lost course content
by Emma Richardson. You have give us very little information - Moodle version, exact process.When you delete a category in 3.0, you have to actually select to delete the courses in the category - are...
View ArticleRe: Deleted the Category and lost course content
by Ken Task. Replying here rather than PM response ... best have more than one set of eyes on something like this.Emma is correct ... all might be lost, but it's possible that individual courses were...
View ArticleRe: Deleted the Category and lost course content
by Pooja Jain. Thank you Emma & Ken, i missed the backup, so the courses are gone. Well, I am upgrading to Moodle 3.0 and making sure auto backup is on. Thank you for responding.
View ArticleRe: Deleted the Category and lost course content
by Ken Task. There is one other possible ... IF teachers were not removed from the system, they could have, by themselves, backed up their courses and saved to private files (if any didn't trust the...
View ArticleRe: Restore moodle database from a directory
by Gabriel Mascarenhas. So it`s not possible to get the data that was stored in phpmyadmin back?Thank you.
View ArticleRe: Restore moodle database from a directory
by Gabriel Mascarenhas. Hello, good afternoon. I just had use phpmyadmin in this project. I have done a migration of the domain, not sure if they have changed the server, i will check it.I didn't have...
View ArticleRe: Restore moodle database from a directory
by Ken Task. Just to clarify ... are both sites using the same provider?phpMyAdmin is usually tied to an account with the provider.So to migrate a site to a different provider, one would need an sql...
View ArticleRe: Restore moodle database from a directory
by Hira Thapa. Both are on shared hosting on Hostgator. Hostgator provides one click installation. Two domains are hosted on separate servers on Hostgator and have separate cPanels. I installed first...
View ArticleRe: Restore moodle database from a directory
by Visvanath Ratnaweera. phpMyAdmin does not store date, it is a tool to access stored data in a MySQL database. If you don't have the database nor...
View ArticleRe: Restore moodle database from a directory
by Emma Richardson. Look at the documentation on migration. It details it out. The only issue is that you used an installer and it might have added something to the basic moodle folder.
View ArticleRe: Restore moodle database from a directory
by Emma Richardson. The database should still be in the original domain phpmyadmin. All you need to do is backup the database, download it and then restore it using the phpmyadmin on the new domain.
View ArticleRe: Restore moodle database from a directory
by Gabriel Mascarenhas. Sorry, I Know I was trying to simplify the explanation, fortunately I could recover the database, it was in the database with a different name. Thank You
View ArticleRe: Restore moodle database from a directory
by Gabriel Mascarenhas. Hello Emma, i`m trying to do this, thank you!
View ArticleRe: Where is the Moodle 2.0 "Course Backup Filearea"?
by Vicke Denniston. thank you, I was looking for this
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