Restore fails
by Bill Stone. Hi, Using 2.7.3+ Build 20141112 Our instructors report and we confirm they encounter an error when attempting to restore an .mbz file into a class. This occurs with a range of different...
View ArticleRe: Restore fails
by Ken Task. Glad you did, but for the benefit of future posters to the original posting who might find it and say 'me too' and for the rest of the community who are just curious, what was the...
View ArticleRestore, Backup and Import fail due to dmlwrite exception
by Emma McAllister. We've recently changed the server Moodle is hosted on and upgraded to Moodle 2.8. When I try to back-up, restore and import from a few of the courses on the new server I get a...
View ArticleRe: Restore fails
by Bill Stone. During upgrade to 2.7, sys ad inadvertently changed config for temp directory, thus uploaded .mbz files for restore were going to unsuitable location on the cluster.
View ArticleRe: Restore, Backup and Import fail due to dmlwrite exception
by Helen Foster. Hi Emma,Sorry I don't understand things at all, however I hope that info in MDL-46235 can be of help to you. Another thing that I hope for is for someone knowledgeable to write some...
View ArticleRe: Restore, Backup and Import fail due to dmlwrite exception
by Emma Richardson. I would guess that it is the checksum field (12 has the huge entry and if you count across your column headings, you will get to checksum). You could try going to the backup...
View ArticleRestore fails with question bank error
by Richard Crawford. Moodle 2.3.2, and lacking the manpower to upgrade right now.We're trying to restore to our production server a course that was created and backed up on a development server....
View ArticleOnly one backup being kept
by Tony Neath. I am testing a sandbox setup. Moodle 2.7 Running on a windows 2008R2 server with MySQL.In order to backup courses greater than 4Gb I have added an Ubuntu server. This is connected to...
View ArticleRe: Restore, Backup and Import fail due to dmlwrite exception
by Emma McAllister. Thanks Helen, from the MDL-46235 it looks like it's quite a big change to the MySQL settings, so I'm going to get someone with a bit more experience in SQL to help with this.
View ArticleRe: Error when Restoring
by Cam Howard. I have run into this error message when trying to restore a course and the backup file is larger than the file size allowed by the php.ini on the server that hosts the Moodle site.If...
View ArticleError during import of backup
by Andreia Madeira. Can anyone help me?When I try to import my backup moodle.xml file with questions from a specific category I get this error:XML: No memory on line 13893, character 8.How can I solve...
View ArticleRe: Error during import of backup
by Ken Task. Am confused ... please explain what you are attempting to do.moodle.xml file is typically found in a 1.9.x backup zip if unzipped.Are we trying to import a question bank from a 1.9.x site...
View ArticleCourse restore is timing out [2.x to 2.7.3]
by Scott Zuvich. Server Environment for Moodle 2.7.3 (destination): Windows Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5, PHP 5.4Our destination production server seems to halt on course restoration....
View ArticleRe: Course restore is timing out [2.x to 2.7.3]
by Séverin Terrier. Drop Windows and use Linux... OK, i'm already going out Some questions:Is it the case for all courses?Are they big (which size)?What is/are the error(s) you encounter when trying...
View ArticleRe: Only one backup being kept
by Tony Neath. I have an update on this.In order to speed up my tests and allow me to keep more backups I set the automatic backups to only backup courses changed in the last 3 days.This meant that I...
View ArticleRe: Only one backup being kept
by Séverin Terrier. I don't know what to say : i've never had this problem, and always the good number of backup files Sorry not being able to help...
View ArticleRe: Course restore is timing out [2.x to 2.7.3]
by Scott Zuvich. We're considering the linux migration. Our first step is to try MySQL on Windows. This dept is too small to administer a linux server by our lonesome, but will do it as a final move....
View ArticleMessage error: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server
by Adriana Gallen. Hi, I am trying to restore a course in moodle 2.8, but I got this error: Message error:mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI serverAny help to solve this will be highly...
View ArticleRe: Only one backup being kept
by Tony Neath. I did A bit more testing.As the 2 courses I am backing up are only a few Megabytes I was able to run the command line backup on the Windows server.This produces the same result with...
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