Re: Can't backup Front Page Settings course
by David Rogers. As an update, I've also found the following messages in the error_log generated in the home directory of my hosting account every time cron tries to execute the automated...
View ArticleRe: Can't backup Front Page Settings course
by Mary Cooch. Apologies in advance as this is of no help to you at all, but could I ask why you want to back up your front page? If it is to restore it to another Moodle then I am afraid the current...
View ArticleRe: Can't backup Front Page Settings course
by David Rogers. No apology necessary. I'm just getting notified every time automatic backup runs that this one "course" is failing. I'd like to figure out how to resolve the issue if possible....
View ArticleRe: Can't backup Front Page Settings course
by Ken Task. The hint in in the error ... mysqlserver has gone away ... increase the query limit by setting the mysql server'smax_allowed_packet variable, which has a default value of 1MB. Set that...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.6 automated and manual course backup error
by Ger Tielemans. This works, great!One question: what should be repaired in the course formats which gave this error?
View ArticleRe: Can't backup Front Page Settings course
by David Rogers. Thank you for your response. The default max_allowed_packet on my server was set at 16M. I've tried increasing that value, setting it as high as 1024M, restarting mysqld each time,...
View ArticleRe: Can't backup Front Page Settings course
by David Rogers. Good news! I've discovered the fix.By default, the site was running php version 5.3.26. I switched to using php version 5.4.27 and the backup of the Front Page Settings course now...
View ArticleMoodleroom data automatic download
by Sush Test. HiWe have moodlerooms and need selective data for analytics.The issue is it is a manual process to get the whole dump which takes 3 hours to download , insert it into local database.We...
View ArticleRe: Undelete or recycler for all deleted items?
by Marc Z. I came looking for a possible solution to recovering a deleted assignment (the last backup was from before the assignments were uploaded/graded). When I saw in this thread that Matt had...
View ArticleRe: Undelete or recycler for all deleted items?
by Derek Chirnside. Marc Z, Tracker: ie create an account, browse the items, follow them and create a new issue if you like. Some people post in the forums...
View ArticleRe: Back-Up File Too Large
by josh love. Hey Ken,Talked with my server guy and we increased the max_execution_time and the back-up went through flawlessly. Guess it was 'pausing' for a long time trying to get the restore...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.6 restore never finishes
by Gerald Grow. Zac: I do not get any warnings.My course with many quizzes hangs at 99+ %.If I stop it (after an hour sometimes), I find that the gradebook categories do not get imported, and those...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.6 restore never finishes
by Debbie Unterseher. Was planning to upgrade to 2.6 this summer. But maybe I shouldn't!!
View ArticleRe: How to I bulk delete Automated backups
by Séverin Terrier. You should perhaps create a tracker issue for that (if none already exists), or talk about that in related issues in the tracker...Séverin
View ArticleRe: Problems using restore in 2.7
by Steve Ambro v2.7+. I am not so ready to call it a QA problem. Using some searching through files folder, comparing the cryptic code names, I discovered that I had some incredibly large zipped...
View ArticleRe: Problems using restore in 2.7
by Ken Task. Ok, we've gotten by the max_allowed_packet error and course restored has issues now or still won't restore?In the latter, check moodledata/temp/backup/Moodle uses that directory to unzip...
View ArticleRe: Problems using restore in 2.7
by Steve Ambro v2.7+. It was all in that missing M for the setting.Fully operational until I meet up wit the next issue that doesn't work.I just read that the quiz bank needs attention before doing a...
View ArticleRe: VERY slow restore in V2.6
by Sean Glencross. I am helping a customer with the same issue. Their php.ini settings file was defaulted to time out scripts in 5 minutes but most courses take 20+ minutes to restore now. I updated...
View ArticleRe: VERY slow restore in V2.6
by Sean Glencross. See my comment above about the script time in php.ini.
View ArticleRe: Problems using restore in 2.7
by Ken Task. Somewhere around version 2.3 there were some tools ... Question Engine Upgrade Helper as well as Assignment Upgrade helper. Site from which you are acquiring backups probably does need...
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