Re: Problems using restore in 2.7
by Bob Puffer. A colleague has suggested this has to do (at least in my case) with where php believes the sessions should be stored. I have a brand new server so this issue would not crop up on an...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.6 restore never finishes
by Gerald Grow. Try 2.6 first to make sure your courses will restore properly.
View ArticleRe: Tech track of exploration
by Valery Fremaux. News of the quest....After long delay seeking for inspiration, and coming back upon the work, there is at the moment no way to get out without restructuring the Moodle1 converter...
View ArticleError when Restoring
by Dave Emsley. I'm trying to restore a Moodle 2.6 course into another Moodle 2.6 Site. I get the message:A required parameter (sesskey) was missingNow this makes no sense to me and I can find no...
View ArticleRe: Error when Restoring
by Davo Smith. Sesskeys are a security feature that stops links like [siteurl]/user/delete.php?id=4&confirm=1 from working if they are posted, for example, in a forum (the above link is made up,...
View ArticleRe: Error when Restoring
by Tim Hunt. There is also a 4th possible reason:d) You left the page so long (or the page took so long to load) that your session has timed out. By the time you log in again, the sesskey has changed...
View ArticleRe: Error when Restoring
by Davo Smith. Tim, I'd considered that, but the error for that is usually 'invalid sesskey' not 'required param (sesskey) is missing'.
View ArticleRe: Backups fail due to "Maximum execution time" error
by Chris Lewis. We are also seeing this error while running from the cli. We run admin/cli/automated_backups.php every night and since we switched to 2.6.3 (from 2.4.3) we started getting a PHP fatal...
View ArticleRe: Backups fail due to "Maximum execution time" error
by Ken Task. @Chris ... On some operating systems, there is a separate php.ini for command line. Your OS is?'spirit of sharing', Ken
View ArticleRe: Error when Restoring
by Gareth J Barnard. Post moved from 'Course and courses forum'.
View ArticleRe: Error when Restoring
by Tim Hunt. No. Becuase, when you session goes, you get redirected to login.php, whcih then redirects you back to where you were, but with all POST data lost, so you often get missing param errors.
View ArticleRe: Backups fail due to "Maximum execution time" error
by David Rogers. I was running into a similar issue. It turns out that apache was running php as "FastCGI," which has its own group of timeout settings above and beyond the normal php settings.. I...
View ArticleRe: Backups fail due to "Maximum execution time" error
by Teddy Wiphatphumiprates. I have used Moodle2.6.2+ and had the same problem with my 2.4GB backup file until I read this web site mentioned in that web...
View ArticleRe: Backups fail due to "Maximum execution time" error
by Chris Lewis. Teddy, that is exactly what was causing it! Thanks for the help. I added the same code you did because it will obey whatever has been set in the ini. Again, thanks!
View ArticleError with autobackup Moodle 2.4.9
by Molin Men. Hello,I got a question related to automatic backup with cron. Everyday, we got two or three courses that show error in autobackup report.The error come with the same courses everyday....
View ArticleRe: Error when Restoring
by Dave Emsley. Thanks for the responses guys.I have no access to php.ini as this is a hosted site. Is there any way I can stop it timing out whilst doing the restore? The course is about 14Mb in...
View ArticleRe: Error when Restoring
by Grant Ashlee. Hi Dave,I have run into the same problem.A friend passed on a course to me in a zip file (backup) and then I made a new course with nothing in it but wanted to restore it with my...
View ArticleRe: Automated Backup Log
by Philip Templeton. Seems like everything I throw at backups I am still not receiving anything. Nothing writes to a log and output of cron doesn't show that it's hitting the automated course backup...
View ArticleManager role can't restore Automated Backups
by Melanie Scott. I'm an admin on my site and when I restore courses, the automated backups work A-OK. But today one of our five people with a site a Manager role tried and got a nasty error message...
View Articledb cleanup when deleting user backups
by john saylor. hi i have written some code to clean up backup files that users have created after a certain time period. and i'm wondering what kinds of housekeeping i need to do in the db. my...
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