automated course backups different behavior 2.2.4 -vs- 2.3.1
by james mergenthaler. I have a 2.2.4 site where i have scheduled automated course backups. I went through the process of updating many of the courses to "not available to students", so they would...
View ArticleRe: Unable to Perform Backups in Moodle 2.5
by John Pembroke. Hi Douglas Did you solve this error. I have a similar issues, Moodle 2.5, IIS 7.5, Fast CGI on Hyper V, MSSQL DB non virtualised. I recieved a 500 error anytime I have a process that...
View ArticleRe: Automated backups not backing up large courses
by Chris Chapman. Having the same problem- cant backup manually or automatically above 1GB, and also cant restore a course above 1.6GB, and nobody seems to have worked on a fix for 2.5 and below (as...
View ArticleHELP!!
by Tim Dyer. Removed a few users to clean up users. But deleted the wrong ones. Is there a way to restore them and get their grades and course material back?
View ArticleRe: HELP!!
by Emma Richardson. YES! You are in luck. You need to go into the database and find them there. Change the deleted key from 1 to 0. Then reenroll them in the classes and all should be back to normal.
View ArticleCustomized destination folder for automated backups accessible from Moodle (2.5)
by Ulrike Albers. Hallo,I wonder if there is a possibility to customize course backups so they would be available at one and the same place, as I have to download them all and it takes time to go...
View ArticleRe: Unable to Download backup file from Moodle 2.1.1+
by christian turc. you Rock Karen!!!
View ArticleRe: Unable to Perform Backups in Moodle 2.5
by panagiotis karageorgos. I seem to have the same problem backing up large files.As i can see large for my system means about 150M. I have been following many forums for a week or so that i m trying...
View Article2.5.3.+: Automated Backup stopps with error/file_not_writeable, each time...
by Monica Franz. Hi, starting automated backup with admin/cli/automated_backup.php it stopps after awhile with the logfile showing this:Getting admin infoChecking coursesSkipping deleted courses...0...
View ArticleRe: 2.5.1 Automated backup skips a lot of courses
by Monica Franz. Hi Marius,I had a simular problem not using admin/cli/automated_backups.php on the commandline! Before starting CLI set backup|backup_auto_active to manual in...
View ArticleRe: Help understanding "automated backup storage" vs. "Save to"
by Matt Rice. That's very helpful information, Ken; thank you!But that does leave me with a question: does that also mean that the filenames in the "Specified Directory for Automated Backups" will be...
View ArticleRe: Help understanding "automated backup storage" vs. "Save to"
by Ken Task. The specified location would save the backup with a humanly recognizable file name. Think there is an option to save the file with the short course title in there somewhere other wise...
View ArticleRe: 2.5.3.+: Automated Backup stopps with error/file_not_writeable, each time...
by Monica Franz. The answer seems to be: running the automated backups without disturbing it!But as Moodle can be used worldwide and the timezones are different, when would be the best time to do the...
View ArticleRe: 2.5.3.+: Automated Backup stopps with error/file_not_writeable, each time...
by panagiotis karageorgos. Hi MonicaAs i may understand the temp dir under moodledata folder seems to have a problem, maybe disk quota or authority.I would try to completely erase the contents of this...
View ArticleRe: 2.5.3.+: Automated Backup stopps with error/file_not_writeable, each time...
by Ken Task. Running the script as what user? root? sudo for apache?The backup routine (running under the user of the web server) must be able to create folders and files as well as remove them. If...
View ArticleRe: Backups fail due to "Maximum execution time" error
by Jan Derriks. Having exactly the same problem here in Amsterdam. After upgrading to 2.6.1, cron fails with:PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120 secondsWhile we did increase this time....
View ArticleRe: 2.5.3.+: Automated Backup stopps with error/file_not_writeable, each time...
by Monica Franz. Hi,thanks for answering!I run cli/automated_backups.php as the user moodle because the owner of the whole moodle directory is moodle!I deleted the temp directory and set the backup...
View ArticleGradebook manual items missing after restore
by Donna Hrynkiw. What triggers the restore of manual gradebook entries?I have a course with a whole bunch of content, one activity, and a number of manual items in the Gradebook. I made a no-users...
View ArticleBacking up Turnitin
by Davin Scampton. I have posted about this before. Apologies if this is repetitive at all.I am struggling with backing up Turnitin assignments. As they sit in the server in the states, the Moodle...
View ArticleRe: Gradebook manual items missing after restore
by Bob Puffer. Used to be checking grade histories would restore the gradebook and you wouldn't need anything else. Haven't really given it a shot recently though.
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