Automated backup doesn`t work
by Christian Wurzer. The automated backup doesn`t work in my new 2.5.1 installation. I´ve enabled the automated backup in courses/backups/automated... and left everything else by the default values....
View ArticleRe: Automated backup doesn`t work
by Emma Richardson. Try running cron automatically and see what it is doing (go to Also, you say you left everything default but you have to select when the...
View ArticleRe: Automated backup doesn`t work
by Christian Wurzer. Thank you for the answer.Yes, I´ve activated monday, tuesday,...friday.Right now, I`ve started the script and it says: ...Backup of...
View ArticleRe: moodle 2.4 backup doesn't have users posts or Assignments
by Tim Dyer. Does anyone have a clue? I've also just tested this with 2.5 and still no luck. Grades, assignments and discussions are not restoring.
View ArticleRe: Automated backup doesn`t work
by Tim Dyer. I believe that's the wrong information to run. It should say something like:/usr/bin/php /path/to/moodle/admin/cli/cron.php The URL you have is web based. You can copy and paste that into...
View ArticleMBZ file not recognized
by Peter Seaman. A friend purchased, from a professional organization, a course that is supposed to work in Moodle. I've been trying to restore it (using Moodle 1.9 still) but when I upload it to the...
View ArticleRe: moodle 2.4 backup doesn't have users posts or Assignments
by Tim Dyer. One simple setting... and that's it.. Thanks anyways
View ArticleRe: Automated backup doesn`t work
by Emma Richardson. So, now check your backup settings - you probably have it set to automatically skip courses if they have not been changed in so many days. Make sure that you uncheck all the skip...
View ArticleRe: moodle 2.4 backup doesn't have users posts or Assignments
by Emma Richardson. Does your backup include user data? Are you restoring the user data?
View ArticleRe: MBZ file not recognized
by Emma Richardson. You cannot restore an MBZ to a 1.9 server. MBZ file format was introduced in Moodle 2.0 and it is incompatible with a 1.9 server. You will have to restore to a version of Moodle...
View ArticleRe: moodle 2.4 backup doesn't have users posts or Assignments
by Tim Dyer. Yes, everything is getting backed up now and restores properly. It doesn't matter is you have all the boxes checked in the Backup settings during the backup process. If you don't have...
View ArticleRe: Automated backup doesn`t work
by Christian Wurzer. I have changed the option to not skip automatically ... - as you proposed - and entered .../admin/cron.php and the backup worked. I install a new version every year and I´ve...
View ArticleRe: MBZ file not recognized
by Peter Seaman. Aha! - as I expected. Thanks, Emma, for your quick reply. I hope I didn't just miss that guidance somewhere in the Moodle docs. Thanks again.Peter
View ArticleRe: Automated backup doesn`t work
by Christian Wurzer. Hm, my cronjob didn`t work.I have activated the .../admin/cron.php for a parallel (from last year) 2.3 moodle (where everything worked fine) in my cronjob to see, if the backup in...
View ArticleRe: Automated backup doesn`t work
by Emma Richardson. Try this - first run cron as your website user - for example, in linux from terminal crontab -u www-data -eThen add the command with cli as noted aboveSo it should read:*/30****...
View ArticleRe: Automated backup doesn`t work
by Christian Wurzer. Thank you - I have made the changes an I will report what happens in the night when the backup should start.
View ArticleShared Questions in the restore process
by Linda Raymond-Hagen. Hello,How do you maintain the connection to shared questions in the restore process? The attached diagram shows the structure of course categories and courses.
View ArticleBackups fail due to "Maximum execution time" error
by Rebecca O'Connell. I am running: Moodle 2.6Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat)PHP Version 5.3.3Backups of very large courses (>2.7GB) fail with an error: PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 120...
View ArticleRe: Backups fail due to "Maximum execution time" error
by Tim Hunt. Under Admin -> Development -> Experimental -> Experimental settings, try turning on Enable new backup format. (It was designed to solve almost exactly this problem.)
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