Problems with last execution log backup report
by Barb Hall. Hi everyone,I have an automated backup job set to run at 3 am everyday. Today's log said that the backup completed successfully, but there was one warning. I've attached a screenshot.I...
View ArticleRe: Help understanding "automated backup storage" vs. "Save to"
by Ken Task. Afraid the docs are also a little in-correct if one reads this and takes it literally:'If you leave the field blank, then backup zip files will be saved in the backup folder of each...
View ArticleRe: Restoring/downloading files over 2GB
by Juanjo Florido. WOW! I'm really scared... I have a 300 MB backup course (Moodle 2.5.2+) and I only can upload 150 MB: It's not related to php.ini (max_upload_size = 512 M) but my hosting account. I...
View ArticleRe: Restoring/downloading files over 2GB
by Ken Task. Use the file system repository. One doesn't have to use Moodle or anything browser based to put files (of any size) into a file system repository.See:...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 1.9, attendance backup problem
by Emma Richardson. I would suggest deleting it from the course and recreating it. If it is only one course, there has to be something corrupt about it.
View ArticleRe: Moodle 1.9, attendance backup problem
by Mark Pearson. Bernard,If you're moving the course to a version 2 site then just uncheck Attendance in the backup process on the 1.9 system and do the course backup. There's nothing to be gained...
View ArticleRe: Help understanding "automated backup storage" vs. "Save to"
by Mark Pearson. Actually, Ken, that's very very helpful. I never understood the file locations until now.Ta!Mark
View Articlemoodle 2.4 backup doesn't have users posts or Assignments
by Tim Dyer. I'm the Administrator. I will backup the whole course, restore it on the same Moodle server and it's not saving any of the users posts in Discussions or Assignments. Tried restoring on a...
View ArticleRe: Restoring/downloading files over 2GB
by Juanjo Florido. Thanks Ken! The link has been very useful!
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.4 - Reset not deleting user grades
by Benjamin St.Germain. I have posted a bug for this in the tracker: for it if you are having this issue, so we can hopefully get it fixed soon.
View Articlecourse users are unable to login after Restoring a Course
by Srikanth Pulluru. Hi,I was taken course backup from 'x' site and restored it on 'y' site thats goodenrolled users on 'x' site are unable to login on 'y' site it saying Restored accountThis account...
View ArticleRe: course users are unable to login after Restoring a Course
by Emma Richardson. Unfortunately you are not going to be able to achieve this. This is a security feature that any time you restore users to a new site, they have to reset their password. The best...
View ArticleRe: Restore from 1.9.3+ to 2.1.6+ - unknown resource successor message
by Nadav Kavalerchik. We just now had the same issue (restoring a Moodle course from 1.9.4 to 2.4.3)It seems, one of the file resources was pointing to a missing file.
View ArticleRe: course users are unable to login after Restoring a Course
by Srikanth Pulluru. Thank you Emma Richardson. I Changed all users Passwords.
View ArticleManaging Backup files
by Doug Bell. Hello, Is there a place in Moodle that i can go to - to manage the backup files? I see I can do it from each course, but was wondering if there was a place to go to manage all backup...
View ArticleRe: Managing Backup files
by Dual Cube. Dear Doug,By default Moodle only provides backups for courses. If you want to backup the whole site then you have to keep a copy of the moodle database, the moodle data folder and the...
View Articlerestore point in local disk D:
by unknown unknown. Hello guys.. I really need ur help guys... this is my important file to my graduation... i can make restore point in local disk c OS partition but, how can i make restore in local...
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