Migrating a course manually without mbz moodle backup
by Peter Kowski. I have a fairly simple course that has over 1500 active users. The course consists of just 7 large quizes (each has over 100 questions). The course has always resided on a standalone...
View ArticleRe: Migrating a course manually without mbz moodle backup
by Peter Kowski. Perhaps I should add that I have tried various actions such as taking the database dump and restoring it in another location as well as updating the codebase but nothing seems to help.
View ArticleRe: Migrating a course manually without mbz moodle backup
by Ken Task. Would help to know a few more things (more specific) concerning your troubled server: operating system (and any specs like memory), remotely hosted (if so, with whom), php settings (do...
View ArticleRe: Migrating a course manually without mbz moodle backup
by Colin Fraser. Then piecemeal is perhaps the only way this will work. I would probably be using phpMyAdmin if you are using MySQL for your database, or phpPGAdmin (I think it is) if using...
View ArticleRe: Migrating a course manually without mbz moodle backup
by Peter Kowski. Thanks Ken and Colin for your replies. My server is an Ubuntu machine on Amazon AWS. The OS was recently updated which also updated the postgresdatabase and the PHP to very recent...
View ArticleRe: Migrating a course manually without mbz moodle backup
by Ken Task. Moodle has to use moodledata/temp/backup/ to build the pieces to a backup ... files directory with associated files.xml, etc. It then has to zip them all up into an .mbz file. So the...
View ArticleRe: Scripted (Automated) Bulk Backup and Restore in 2.3
by Ignacio Villagran. Hi David, did you managed to adapt your code to 2.3?.I'm looking to do a bulk backup and restore and your code could help me alot, would you share it with me??
View ArticleMerging two databases for users, grades etc into one
by Thanh Ha. Hi AllThe previous Moodle admin before me had created two seperate moodle platforms and they both have their users and grades.The courses are the same in each.I am looking to merge them...
View ArticleRe: Migrating a course manually without mbz moodle backup
by Peter Kowski. Ken, I just had a look for that log file but it is completely empty though it is timestamped with the time of the attempted backup. However,, I think you have given me a good clue as...
View ArticleRe: Issues with Restoring courses on Moodle 2.4
by alex dinan. Has anyone else experienced this? I have recently upgraded from 2.0.3 to moodle 2.4.1. When I make a course backup I have no warnings or errors. When I try to restore it, the site turns...
View ArticleRe: Migrating a course manually without mbz moodle backup
by Ken Task. No, don't wipe out moodledata!!! That will not work. Moodle wouldn't 'rebuild' it. Now that it's there, there are DB records that reference files in filedir. At this point it calls...
View ArticleRe: Migrating a course manually without mbz moodle backup
by Peter Kowski. Thanks once again Ken for your timely intervention and for all the very very useful information. I will start trashing around on those ideas straight away and get back to you. I...
View ArticleRe: Merging two databases for users, grades etc into one
by Rob Skeet. I have a similar issue where several students completed the course on an old server and we want there records reflected on the new server.Short of going in as each user and pretending to...
View ArticleRe: Restore a Backup Keeping User Attempts
by Doug Osborne. I have the same question, for a slightly different reason. Due to an upgrade from 1.9 to 2.4 I need to update the course content, while maintaining the grades/progress information...
View ArticleRe: Restore a Backup Keeping User Attempts
by Colin Fraser. Doug, that can be done, easily, but I would recommend that you get the latest v2.2.x release and use that to stage. Any updates you need can be made there so your courses and...
View ArticleRe: Restore a Backup Keeping User Attempts
by Colin Fraser. Hamid, I am not sure that can be done without a bit of effort. This is a great idea but right now, there is no tool I am aware of that will siut your need. The trouble is that when...
View ArticleRe: How to import a course correctly
by Jaswinder Singh. Hi Karen,Just turn on the debugging mode and check out for the errors displayedMay be it is getting timeout because of some issue.
View Articlebackup with uer data
by Doris Johnson. Is there anyway to make the default for the backup to include user data for the instructor? I am using moodle 2.3. thanks for your help.
View ArticleRe: Restoring course backup in ZIP format from URL
by Jairo Andrés Franco. Hi, the general idea to write some Moodle link in the URL downloader and use it to avoid the process to download the files to my computer is something, that i think, will...
View ArticleAutomated backup with specified directory
by Antonio Piedras. Hi everybody,in our moodle site, with 2.4.3 version, we have the automated backup of course with a specified directory to save the backup files.But when we go to the restore area...
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