Re: No images when I restore course
by andy emerine. I think this was the first restore I've ever done since moving to 2+. It's been a few years. I did restore the course How to use Multimedia in my course from The images...
View ArticleRe: Restoring/downloading files over 2GB
by Colin Fraser. For anybody reading this thread to resolve similar problems, and if you do not get what the conversation is about, it is Ken suggesting that *.mbz fies can be renamed to zip files,...
View ArticleRestore a Backup Keeping User Attempts
by Hamid Takesh. Hello everyone,I am trying to achieve the following:We have three schools running three different Moodle Installations with students / teachers enrolled. And there is one central...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.3 Error - Error writing to database when backing up a course
by Eric Kuang. Anyone?
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.3 Error - Error writing to database when backing up a course
by Emma Richardson. Can you turn debugging on and see if that gives you some more information and then post here?
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.3 Error - Error writing to database when backing up a course
by Emma Richardson. Can you turn debugging on and see if that gives you some more information and then post here?
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.3 Error - Error writing to database when backing up a course
by Eric Kuang. Thanks Emma. Here's the debug info.Default exception handler: Error writing to database Debug: MySQLserver has gone awayINSERT INTO mdl_backup_controllers...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.3 Error - Error writing to database when backing up a course
by Ken Task. That value for max_packets looks to be 1M. If you have entered a value in my.cnf did you include the designator for the size? (M,G)max_allowed_packet=16MQuery to see what that value is...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.3 Error - Error writing to database when backing up a course
by Eric Kuang. Hi Ken,Thank you for your help.I have checked the variables mentioned, it is currently set at 1048576.Eric
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.3 Error - Error writing to database when backing up a course
by Emma Richardson. Try 16M as posted earlier - see if that helps.
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.3 Error - Error writing to database when backing up a course
by Eric Kuang. Thank you all, it is working now.
View ArticleBackup error opening file for 2.3.3
by James Klaas. I have been trying to back up courses on a Moodle 2.3.3 and I get the following debug info when I try to any kind of backup:Error code: error_opening_file$a contents:...
View ArticleRe: "Import -> Schema Settings" Checkbox Functionality
by Gary Scott. Hey guys, thanks for all the help.
View ArticleRe: Backup error opening file for 2.3.3
by Ken Task. Just a guess ... given the info shared ... guessing remotely hosted and a Linux flavor of some sort.Check ownership/permissions on your data folder recursively (is that moodle2 inside the...
View ArticleExclude legacy files from a backup
by Andres Andy. Hello,We have migrated our Moodle site from version 1.9 to 2.1, and now 2.2 We have noticed that when manually backing up certain courses, the back up file is extremely large even...
View ArticleHow to import a course correctly
by Karen Marshall. I have mbz courses files that I would like to import to our Moodle server running 2.4.1.I have imported a couple of courses successfully (at least it said that) by using the Front...
View ArticleRe: Backup error opening file for 2.3.3
by James Klaas. Thanks Ken, I will try this and report back.Jim
View ArticleImport courses from MNet peers - Developing Addon
by Asaf Ohaion. HelloI'm trying to develop an add-on that will enable importing courses\materials from MNet peers,What type of plugin will is right for it?I have seen there is a new plugin type in...
View ArticleRe: Backup error opening file for 2.3.3
by James Klaas. Hi Ken,It was a problem of a lack of disk space.I so appreciate the help!Jim
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