Re: PHP Error message - HELP!
by Colin Fraser. "...guessing the settings in PHP.INI. I don't know it for a fact because I try to stay outta PHP.INI and generally avoid messing around with it's contents..."Well unless you make...
View ArticleRe: course restore failed from 1.9.12 to 2.4.1+
by Emma Richardson. Is the folder ownership set correctly. I am a linux Moodle user so am not totally sure with Windows but the owner should be the web server/user. Also, did you set permissions...
View ArticleRe: PHP Error message - HELP!
by Colin Fraser. EXTRA!: That max_execution_time is in my version of PHP in other versions it might be something like set_maximum_time, or similar. I did read, looking at something else though, that...
View ArticleCourse Backup Errors (fileinfo extension and cannot_finish_ui_if_not_setting_ui)
by Rich Solomon. Hi all,I've been attempting ot backup a course to be able to restore at a later date without user data. I first just tried it as an IMC Cartridge. I get the "Must install fileinfo...
View ArticleRe: Course Backup Errors (fileinfo extension and...
by Colin Fraser. The IMS Cartridge is a newly introduced mod, essentially a common capsule of course materials that can be zipped and unzipped. AFAIK, the only activities that can be exported to IMS...
View ArticleRe: Course Backup Errors (fileinfo extension and...
by Rich Solomon. Fair enough...I was in fact just trying it...and the course is very basic with only some powerpoints involved, and no student info. But I did back out anyway and tried another backup...
View ArticleRestoring/downloading files over 2GB
by J Stringer. We plan on using Moodle next year. We have installed it on a Mac OS X Lion server and we're currently running Moodle 2.3. Most things have gone very smoothly. However, we've had two...
View ArticleRe: Restoring/downloading files over 2GB
by Ken Task. There is an issue with PHP zip in regards to 2GB. Search of Tracker shows the issue is across the board ... Mac/Windows/Linux. The makers of PHP are the only ones who can really fix...
View ArticleRe: Restoring/downloading files over 2GB
by J Stringer. Hi Ken,Unfortunately the backup of the course is all we have. One of our technicians extracted it just prior to a server crash. We then had to revert to a backup of the database from 2...
View ArticleRe: Restoring/downloading files over 2GB
by J Stringer. So I created a 4.86GB zip file using zip command on our server (zip -r). The file was created without error. However, using the unzip -l command to get a file listing of the resulting...
View ArticleRe: Restoring/downloading files over 2GB
by Ken Task. Does your unzip give you anything at all? Any files/folders?IF not, there is a MacOSX command line utility that will attempt to recover what it can from a renamed .mbz (to .zip) called...
View ArticleRe: "Import -> Schema Settings" Checkbox Functionality
by Gary Scott. Anybody have any ideas? I am trying to import activities from one course to another. When I get to the "Import -> Schema Settings" page, where I should be selecting via checkbox the...
View ArticleRe: Restoring/downloading files over 2GB
by Ken Task. Hmmmm ... ran out of time while editing ... addition:If you have xmllint installed (on a Mac think it's part of xpath install - Google for that or just go to command line and type:...
View ArticleRe: Delete the backup files of the teachers
by erika alarcon. Hi Stuart, thanks for your responseThis image shows the Teacher's Restore page, you can see the backup files of the course "CursoApoyo" And this image shows the backup files of the...
View ArticleRe: Restoring/downloading files over 2GB
by J Stringer. Hi Ken,I can extract the backup just fine using archive utility. The contents appear to have all of the course content including moodle_backup.xml. Is there a way I can restore the...
View ArticleRe: Restoring/downloading files over 2GB
by Ken Task. Oh, thought you said couldn't unarchive! Sorry. Still the info is kinda related to the following.One has to reverse engineer the .mbz file.One can remove the references to the largest...
View ArticleRe: Restoring/downloading files over 2GB
by J Stringer. Hi Ken,I'm going to try doing this. At the same time I'm also going to try to figure out how to work with zip files larger than 2GB from the command line. I'm new to Moodle but...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.3 Error - Error writing to database when backing up a course
by Toni Roberts. Hello Eric et al,I too am trying to create a backup of a course, to copy for another class, and am getting the same error with 2.3. I quickly get "Error writing to database" and I...
View ArticleNo images when I restore course
by andy emerine. I downloaded a course from and used the restore operation to create the course in my Moodle install. The images do not display. Is there a way to retrieve them? The course...
View ArticleRe: No images when I restore course
by Mary Cooch. Hmm.. that's interesting because I just tried this course on a 2.4 Moodle and the images appear fine. Have you restored other courses successfully in your Moodle 2 and this is the...
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