Was the site http and you recently acquired a valid CA and you setup https on that server?
Reason I ask .... many folks do have a re-write rule to force all http:// traffic to https://. On CentOS 7 (sure would be nice to know what OS your machine runs) that redirect rule could be in the main config file for Apache(here again, you've not said what you are running) which is in /etc/httpd/conf/ and called httpd.conf
That setup of rewrite could also be in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf - for https
Help yourself ... by providing information to those willing to help. No info ... then it's all guess and eventually those willing to help will tell you that you are on your own! :|
Sent you a PM with my addy and requested information. Please use and provide the info or I'll have end this conversation wishing you luck! :|