Re: Course Restore Issue - 500 Internal Server Error
by Ken Task. Hard for anyone to give you a solid answer considering the situation ... 500 errors don't tell anyone much. And even though you've shared server setup info, no one has the backup file...
View ArticleRe: Course Restore Issue - 500 Internal Server Error
by Tim Bradley. Thanks for the reply Ken, the moodle version of the backup file is 2.6 however I have gotten confirmation that the backups should restore on moodle version 2.7 without any issues.I...
View ArticleRe: Student Activity Report all same date after Course Restore
by Paul L. I ran the restore with Full Developer Debugging Mode on and received the following message, I'm only posting an excerpt as its very long:setting controller status to 800Log module-action...
View ArticleRe: Course Restore Issue - 500 Internal Server Error
by Ken Task. Don't run Winders nor FastCGI myself but 'FastCGI process exceeded configured request timeout" is the key. Google is my friend! Found the following searching for the above quote. One...
View ArticleRe: Course Restore Issue - 500 Internal Server Error
by Tim Bradley. In my case because I'm running IIS 7.5 so the fcgiext.ini file does not exist however I was able to edit the timeout properties by opening IIS, clicking the Server Name and then...
View ArticleRe: Course Restore Issue - 500 Internal Server Error
by Ken Task. There have been some issues reported lately related to restores and inclusion of test banks. From what I can gather, even though a course has only 1 or 2 quizzes in it (thus a 'small...
View ArticleRe: Detailed Execution Logs not Showing
by Séverin Terrier. Hi,Yes, it was a feature in Moodle 1.9, that has disapeared in 2.0, and still not come back since then There is MDL-30937 open about that since years. Don't hesitate to vote for...
View ArticleRe: Courses > Backups > Automated backup setup vs Server > Scheduled...
by Séverin Terrier. Hi,We've talked about that in french some days/weeks ago.In fact, scheduled tasks are an evolution of the cron, and the core of executing all delayed tasks in Moodle."Courses >...
View ArticleAutomated Backup Specified Directory
by Helen Thomas. Hi,I have read several posts on this matter but I cannot find a solution to my problem and would like to see if anyone could please help:We host our own Moodle 2.7 on Ubuntu 12.04. We...
View ArticleRe: Moodle Course Restore
by Leon van Romburgh. HiThanks for all the help. We managed to narrow it down to a database error. Waiting for the administrator to provide feedback. Leon
View ArticleGateway timeout
by alex r. Hello everyone.Have a problem with restoring:Unable to restore some backups with large amount of files (>10k) on hosting (backups were made on local server and restoring without...
View ArticleRe: VERY slow restore in V2.6
by Tim Bradley. I'm also experiencing extremely slow restore times for courses, initially I thought there was a problem with my server but it turned out that FastCGI was simply timing out because the...
View ArticleRe: Detailed Execution Logs not Showing
by Sergio Mazzarelli. Thank you very much. After reading your post, I voted for the issue. As for the documentation, you added your helpful explanation in the Talk page, which can only be seen if one...
View ArticleRe: Detailed Execution Logs not Showing
by Séverin Terrier. Hi,Nice for the vote.I think one (or i) should delete this information from the documentation, as it's not true!Séverin
View ArticleBulk user download excel format not working
by Daniël de Villiers Hugo. Hallo guys.We are currently having issue with a Moodle 2.5.1 version. The site has 2988 user on it and when we try to download all the users via excel format, the browsers...
View ArticleRe: Student Activity Report all same date after Course Restore
by Paul L. I've backed up a 2.5.4 course and restored into 2.6.5 course and on a separate installation of 2.6.5 course and restored to a 2.6.5 course, still get the same problem of Student Activity...
View ArticleRe: Student Activity Report all same date after Course Restore
by Paul L. Currently trying to figure out where the logs are inserted from during the Restore process from restore_controller.class.php , can anyone suggest anything to narrow it down?While fumbling...
View ArticleNo questions in quiz after restore
by Alex Vanden Bosch. Hi!We've recently moved into Moodle 2.7 and have backed up some courses to restore on a different Moodle site (theirs is Moodle 2.6). Within the courses are a few MCQ quizzes....
View ArticleRe: No questions in quiz after restore
by Emma Richardson. Moodle does not support backwards restore. Also, you need to check whether include question bank was selected when you backed up.
View ArticleRe: No questions in quiz after restore
by Alex Vanden Bosch. Hi Emma,Thanks for getting back to me. I've just tested it on two other sites (both on different versions of Moodle) and it seems to work on those so it must be something to do...
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