Backup and import failure
by Russell Thomson. Moodle 2.6.3I have tried General and Quiz help and noone has answered.This problem has various parts, which I think might be related. When I create a quiz , if I double click 'Save...
View ArticleRe: Backup and import failure
by Emma Richardson. 1. Don't double click! You are telling Moodle to do things twice. It is a button - it should only be clicked once.I would guess this is causing the majority of your issues. The...
View ArticleRe: Backup and import failure
by Russell Thomson. Thanks for the reply, Do you have a URL for Tim Hunt's database diagram and what are he steps I need to follow to increase the timeouts.This double click problem is new and there...
View ArticleRe: Backup Report says OK but where are my backups?
by Guillermo Madero. Excellent! I guess that a decision mas made so that in case of failure when using a defined path the module should then use the course area, but yes, the issue should also be...
View ArticleRe: Backup and import failure
by Guillermo Madero. Hello Russell,No one has answered? are you refering to any of these ones (both posted just a couple of hours...
View ArticleRe: moodledata/temp/backups - overloading server
by Admin Hesston College. I'm running into the same problem after the 2.6 upgrade (from 2.4)I've enabled the new 'experimental' backup format, so perhaps that will help, as I suspect it might be...
View ArticleRe: moodledata/temp/backups - overloading server
by Ken Task. You've not mentioned your operating system ... do know that there is an issue with backups of courses over 4+Gigs and it's not Moodle code ... it's operating system support for the copy...
View ArticleRe: Backup and import failure
by Russell Thomson. I cross posted because I wasn't sure where the problem should be posted. I posted it to quizzes because I have some strange questions that I can't delete. I have a backup problem...
View ArticleRe: moodledata/temp/backups - overloading server
by Admin Hesston College. Thanks for the reply, Ken. Sorry about missing the context info. I'm relatively new to Moodle-specific admin nuances...Moodle 2.6.4+ Exp.Backup - On; didn't change...
View ArticleRe: Backup and import failure
by Guillermo Madero. Hello Russell,Be sure that we all have been there and know the feeling; that's why we try to share what we have learned in the process, but cross-posting only adds to chaos in...
View ArticleRe: moodledata/temp/backups - overloading server
by Ken Task. Thanks for the additional information. Can now be a little more specific as to what to 'watch'.Might need to increase the php settings for exec to something larger than 60 seconds....
View ArticleRe: moodledata/temp/backups - overloading server
by Ken Task. Hmmmm time to edit expired so ... (kinda) the process described above.'spirit of sharing', Ken
View ArticleRe: Backup and import failure
by Russell Thomson. Thanks for the detailed reply. You've obviously taken a lot of trouble to lead me in the right direction but I don't know what to do with the information; I have very little...
View ArticleRe: Backup and import failure
by Ken Task. Been there (we all have) ... and in many respects, am still there (constantly learning) ... sooooo here's some more info to share with your local expert:Fact that the process begins, gets...
View ArticleRe: Backup and import failure
by Guillermo Madero. Hello Russell,Yes, some problems require knowing a bit about technical things. Well, if you have a friend that can help you, she/he could register here in case of trouble.Cheers!
View ArticleRe: Backup Report says OK but where are my backups?
by Dave Arnold. I did check the server error logs before posting the question but didn't see anything about permissions. Debugging is turned off on this site because it's a production site that is...
View ArticleRe: moodledata/temp/backups - overloading server
by Admin Hesston College. Great suggestions - I'll certainly make progress now.I hadn't really considered that manual course backups could be that big a chunk, but wow - we've got plenty of cleanup to...
View ArticleRe: Moodle2.7 - Error when restoring course
by Jeremy Bascom. Just upgraded from 2.7 to 2.7.1+ and getting that error as well. Only plugin is a theme, everything else is standard.Windows server 2008r2IISphp 5.5.12sqlsrver using freetds
View ArticleRe: Moodle2.7 - Error when restoring course
by Jeremy Bascom. Oddly enough, everything in the course seems to be intact... Is there a way to tie the error back to a specific item in the course to verify what's actually failing?
View ArticleRe: the requested url backup backup.php was not found on this server
by M Williams. Hi, me too. Although I'm not getting a helpful message, as it would appear the 404 is missing, I can see in the server logs that it's giving a 404. So that's two of us!
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