How to find the automated backup of an accidentally deleted course
by Rebecca O'Connell. When Moodle deletes a course it also deletes the database record containing the name of the file containing the automated backup. This is how you find that file.Find the deletion...
View ArticleRe: error/activity_task_coursemodule_not_found
by Sakshi Goel. Hi NileshHere is something for you , exactly the same you are getting.
View ArticleForce automated backup
by Ivica Matotek. Hi!Is it possible to force automated backup, for instance even if there are no changes in the course to create backup?Ivica
View ArticleMoodle 2.4 Restore/Import Error- Invalid File Name
by J. Michael Wills. I am try to backup one course and restore it to another course and to import materials from one course to another. In both cases I get the following Debugging error: Unknown...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.4 Restore/Import Error- Invalid File Name
by Emma Richardson. Have you checked through the files that you are restoring (resources) - it appears that one of the files is causing the problem - perhaps there is an errant character in the file...
View ArticleChecking automated backup status...RUNNING - Moodle 2.5
by Alex 09. HiWe have moved from Moodle 1.9 to Moodle 2.5 and have started from scratch - I have re-created all courses manually in order to make it as painless as possible for teachers.I set...
View ArticleRe: Checking automated backup status...RUNNING - Moodle 2.5
by Alex 09. Looks like I might have jumped the gun as I have just received the email telling me about the backup status. However, 93 of my courses were skipped. A lot of the courses were created a...
View ArticleRe: Checking automated backup status...RUNNING - Moodle 2.5
by Alex 09. Nevermind - found it....
View ArticleTransfere form posts to new moodle
by Robert Smalc. I had back up the whole 2.5 moodle side and restored it in a new moodle 2.5.1 installation. I had changed some settings in new moodle side which is not active yet. Now in the original...
View ArticleRe: Transfer form posts to new moodle
by Helen Foster. Hi Robert,The only way to transfer forum posts is to back up the activity (or course) selecting 'Include enrolled users' or 'Anonymize user information' and then restore it to your...
View ArticleCan not obtain session lock backup
by CoreDev Develop. Dear All,Our Moodle server keep throwing error in the error_log file about session lock as below. Can not obtain session lock, referer: http://moodleserver/backup.backup.phpWe...
View ArticleCourse can import into itself
by James Henestofel. I just ran into this problem today. We have a entry level template course setup that all students have to take. So the course is the same for everyone. The roles for the course...
View ArticleRe: Course can import into itself
by Emma Richardson. I don't think of it as a bug. There might be many times when teachers want to replicate a section full of activities into the same course - for example, they might repeat certain...
View ArticleMoodle restore fails. backup restore problem- 1.9 version
by shanthi peter. Hello everyone,Moodle version 1.9.14Course Backup done sucessfullyWhen I tried to restore the backup on the same moodle version installed in different server I receive the error...
View ArticleRe: How to I bulk delete Automated backups
by curt bixel. I think I may have a similar problem to which I need a solution. I am running moodle 2.4 on a virtual private server at Inmotion hosting. I am running into problems as my server is...
View ArticleRe: How to I bulk delete Automated backups
by curt bixel. Emma, you are right, I meant the name of my moodledata folder. I am a bit scared of the database.
View ArticleRe: How to I bulk delete Automated backups
by curt bixel. Well, now it seems to have created a folder called "backup" in my temp folder, and placing the backups neatly there. It is even naming them things like, "backup.mbz" Go figure. I...
View ArticleRe: How to I bulk delete Automated backups
by Ken Task. Unless you set the autobackups to save 'Course backup area' AND to include a specified area AND purposely put the path to the moodledata/temp/backup/ directory am afraid they won't be...
View ArticleRe: How to I bulk delete Automated backups
by Emma Richardson. It is not the renaming of the folder that did this. It is you changing the location of your backups under automated backup settings. If you put them in a directory on the server,...
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