Re: Restore issue
by Rama Gundabhat. fixed it using to copy $CFG->passwordsaltmain (in config file) from prod to QA
View ArticleRe: Restore issue
by Ken Task. That's kinda strange if one dup'd the prod ... same salt should have worked. As long as it works! ;)'spirit of sharing', Ken
View ArticleMoodle 2.4 backups failing
by Chris Lewis. We just started running into a strange issue with our automated backups. I noticed they stopped running a few nights ago and after digging into the logs I have found the error but I...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.4 backups failing
by Sakshi Goel. Hi ChrisHere is a issue created in tracker which shows all similar error. May be its a bug at your site
View ArticleRe: Restoring course timed out in Moodle 2.5
by David Ha. Hmm... that doesn't apply to us. We are running v2.5 anyway. Also we have noticed that if a course has an 'automatic backup file' existed then then restore works fine. It not, then it...
View ArticleRe: Restoring course timed out in Moodle 2.5
by David Ha. Hmm... that doesn't apply to us. We are running v2.5 anyway. Also we have noticed that if a course has an 'automatic backup file' existed then then restore works fine. It not, then it...
View ArticleRe: 2.5.1+ course import, backup and restore all server error 500
by Mark Pearson. Well done Erik -- take a Moodle Administrator star for sorting out the problem and reporting it's solution. There is however one more step. It looks like you've discovered a bug in...
View ArticleRe: 2.5.1+ course import, backup and restore all server error 500
by Emma Richardson. This bug in the attendance module has actually now been fixed (within the last week or so). If you upgrade again, back up and restore should work correctly.
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.4 backups failing
by Ken Task. I see quickmail_block early on in the bug report. Suggest checking into permissions/etc. concerning that block in the troubled courses.Also, as a test, taking just one course that has...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.4 backups failing
by Ken Task. Follow up ... there is an update to QuickMail block: tested on a 2.4 moodle. Manual backup ran without any errors.Does your...
View ArticleWhere is the backup stored?
by Roberto Palmer Navarro. When I have restored one course v1.9 to v2.5, where is the backup stored?So, If is stored I will like to can delete.Thanks.
View ArticleRe: Where is the backup stored?
by Lawrence Ng. Is this what you mean? You want to find out where your files are stored in your file system?
View ArticleRe: 2.5.1+ course import, backup and restore all server error 500
by Erik Schirmer. Thank you, I took a couple of days to see this and missed a chance for another star. You all seem supportive and friendly
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.4 backups failing
by Chris Lewis. Thanks for the the suggestions! Yes, it was Quickmail that was causing the problems and thanks to Sakshi for pointing me to the tracker. It looks like the course that it was failing...
View ArticleArchival course backups no longer valid after 2.0 migration
by Donnie Collins. After having spent hours pouring over the posts in the Backup and Restore forum I am finally resigned to the fact that all of those end of course backup files we have stored as...
View ArticleRe: Archival course backups no longer valid after 2.0 migration
by Mark Pearson. I've had few problems with restoring 1.9 course backups into moodle version 2.3 or 2.4. No, you cannot bring over course enrollments or grades but then why would you want to do that...
View ArticleRe: Archival course backups no longer valid after 2.0 migration
by Ken Task. Wouldn't that depend upon your situation? As a former employee of an Education Service Center (an ESC) in Texas, which acquired ISO Certification, document/records retention policy (for...
View ArticleRe: Archival course backups no longer valid after 2.0 migration
by Helen Foster. Hi Donnie,Another reason for keeping your backup files is that if for any reason you need to access the user data, you can always install Moodle 1.9 on a computer, restore the...
View ArticleRe: Bulk backup and restore
by Oliver Stearn. Hi Scott,same boat.. did anything come of this? managed to do a category level backup using a plugin, but now need to restore 100+ zips onto another version of Moodle.
View ArticleRe: Archival course backups no longer valid after 2.0 migration
by Mark Pearson. Good point Ken. In an educational context as a Moodle admin I'm feeling that one should always have an archival copy of older moodle codebase + database + data in order to remake the...
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