Restore taking way to long
by Christopher Molnar. Have a moodle 2.5+ build: 20130606 system. Restores for a 15M backup file taking 10 minutes and a 247M backup file taking upwards of 20. I have optimized all tables, run...
View ArticleRe: Restore taking way to long
by Christopher Molnar. Additional info from bottom of page with some debugging turned on:707.988236 secsRAM: 74.1MBRAM peak: 76.8MBIncluded 985 filesContexts for which filters were loaded: 1Filters...
View ArticleRe: Restore taking way to long
by Ken Task. Backup and restore processes are memory hogs! To see just how much, run a backup process of one of the largest courses while, at the same time, having a terminal window opened logged on...
View ArticleMoodle 2.5 course restore stalls at Review Screen
by Sharon R. I am restoring a course in Moodle 2.5. I can backup the course and take the course through the restore process until it gets to the Review step (after the Schema step). The Review Page...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.5 course restore stalls at Review Screen
by Christopher Molnar. Yes. Setup external zip. I had to do it on my site. There is another thread on broken zip on the forum someplace.
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.5 course restore stalls at Review Screen
by Sharon R. Do you mean by setup external zip to change the file extension to a zip file and upload that way? I am getting a different error message when I try that. I am searching Moodle forums now...
View ArticleRe: NEW Repository: Restore course directly from Moodle19 (Into Moodle2+)
by Nadav Kavalerchik. UPDATE: Major security updates and code cleanup. Enjoy
View ArticleForce an initial backup on all courses?
by Christopher Molnar. How can I force an initial automated backup on all courses? For some reason Moodle wants to skip them. I create many new sections of courses each term and would really like a...
View ArticleRe: NEW Repository: Restore course directly from Moodle19 (Into Moodle2+)
by Monica Bokos. Hello Nadav, and thank you for this repository. Can you tell us how the legacy course files work if we use it ?Thanks,Monica
View ArticleRe: Force an initial backup on all courses?
by Paul Vaughan. Not a solution, but a quick note: Moodle may not actually be skipping the backups, depending on what version you are running - see this tracker post for more...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.5 course restore stalls at Review Screen
by Mark Pearson. I think that Christopher was referring to setting the location of the system zip binary in Site Administration : Server : System Paths. However, though this is something that was...
View ArticleProblem restoring and importing
by mart van der niet. When trying to restore a course into an existing one, or importing activities/resources I get the following error: Any hints/tips? Debug info: Duplicate entry...
View ArticleRe: Course to Course restore fails
by James Wise. I have similar issue like this when doing course backup for version 2.2.1 and 2.5+.Anyone care to share good solution for this issue would be much appreciated.Thanks. James
View ArticleRe: "Error writing to database" during Course Restore
by Chris Walsh. Yes, there is a corrolation between successful upload and zip size but it isn't the usual max_upload type settings that are the issue as I can upload the zip into a private user files...
View ArticleRe: "Error writing to database" during Course Restore
by Chris Walsh. OK, so it is definitely not an issue with max_input_time. I set it to 600 (10 minutes), restarted Apache, double checked via phpinfo() and then proceeded to try a restore of the...
View ArticleRe: "Error writing to database" during Course Restore
by Chris Walsh. Hi Ken,I don't have a my.cnf in my MySQL, PHP or Apache folder trees.I do have a my.ini in my MySQL folder which I believe is the one being picked up my MySQL. However this doesn't...
View ArticleRe: "Error writing to database" during Course Restore
by Ken Task. Welcome. Might add that opening the backup zip and looking for large files may not be the only issue. If you do temporarily remove a large file from course_files don't forget to edit...
View ArticleRestore backup
by Francesco Beninato. Hej everyone! I've just started using Moodle, I'm not such an expert... so I'm looking for some help!!I'm looking to find the right way to restore (or upload) my backup files...
View ArticleRe: Problem restoring and importing
by Mark Pearson. Looking at the debug information :Duplicate entry '28-flexsections-458-collapsed' for key 'mdl_courformopti_couforsec_uix'It seems that the problem has to do with the course format...
View Articleautomated backups email
by Csaba Gloner. I'm a bit confused and can't find the related info in moodledocs...The automated backup email should come from the support email address (server/support contact) to the main...
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