Restore of course .mbz recover everything
by Hugh Murdoch. HelloNewish to Moodle, tried to search the forums for an answer with no luck. On Monday we lost all our assignment data from our Moodle MySQLdatabase, our ISP informed us that in fact...
View ArticleRe: Restore of course .mbz recover everything
by Ken Task. A course backup (.mbz) is probably only as good as the DB backup. By that I mean, if the DB backup was loosing assignments, etc., then there is a good chance that the course backups...
View ArticleRe: Issues with Restoring courses on Moodle 2.4
by Brett Drinkwater. Ken,Sorry for delayed response. End of a very hectic end of week.Thanks so much for your comprehensive solution.I very much appreciate the trouble you've gone to in order to find...
View ArticleRe: Error restoring backup
by Denilton Silveira de Oliveira. Apologies if this has already been answered elsewhere, any assistance is very much appreciated.
View Articleimport_course call error: Invalid parameter value detected: Only arrays...
by Alan Zaitchik. I posted this in the General Developer forum but got no relies, so I am reposting here.I am experimenting developing a script hoping to use the core_course_external::import_course...
View ArticleBackup error messages
by Joao Alves. I keep getting several backup error messages a day sent automatically from Moodle which I don't understand why. I'd like to stop getting those messages but I don't know how. Can anyone...
View ArticleRe: How Do I Clear an Unfinished Automated Backup?
by Doug Moody. A further clue comes from the last error.log that I got on March 11 when I got my first errors showing up. This listing is kind of long, but maybe someone with more savvy than I can...
View ArticleRe: How Do I Clear an Unfinished Automated Backup?
by Ken Task. These are all warning about PHP not being able to load an extension.SourceGuardian module enables PHP access to the...
View ArticleSvar: Re: Where do I find the backup-files?
by Gunilla Brattberg. I have read what you have written in the link but sorry, I am still somewhat confused. I have checked "Use course namne in backup", but I can´t find any course names at all.
View ArticleRe: How Do I Clear an Unfinished Automated Backup?
by Doug Moody. Good info Ken. I will use it to track this further.Do you think these errors relate to the backup failure issue?Again, thank you. You are an awesome source of good info..
View ArticleRe: How Do I Clear an Unfinished Automated Backup?
by Ken Task. From previous posting:"To the best of my knowledge, none of the above should/would affect backups of Moodle courses."But, if you saw an error related to the php-zip module similar to the...
View Articlecourse restore fails with Error code: file_invalid_path
by Heather P. Moodle version 2.4.1 accepted the course restore from Moodle 1.9.11 with no problems.A fresh install of Moodle 2.4.2 gave me the error as stated in the subject line. Following the hunt...
View ArticleMoodle 2.4.3 green tick - does it mean yes or no?
by Heather P. Course restore into Moodle 2.4.3 from a Moodle 2.4.2.The selection on the backup file was not to include users.Clicking restore in Moodle 2.4.3 it displays backup settings, listing 12...
View ArticleRe: Svar: Re: Where do I find the backup-files?
by Lawrence Ng. When you write the query, it will show you the name of the file in the results returned. That was what I meant.
View ArticleRe: Moodle 2.x : Where are the .mbz files stored?
by Jorge Rodriguez. I had a problem uploading a course because the size of the mbz file was bigger than allowed by hosting on the php.ini settings (post_max_size).I followed the steps of "File System...
View ArticleRe: How Do I Clear an Unfinished Automated Backup?
by Doug Moody. Hi Emma, I tried all you suggested, except the reference to "...the setting in the auto backup running in the mdl config plugins table. Change it to 0 if need be."There are several...
View ArticleRe: Backup error messages
by Heather P. Hithese look like automated backup messages, say, look like as I don't speak the language, but it looks just like the ones I receive.So if you are getting them it is probably because...
View ArticleRe: Restored Course 'cache module information' error
by Daniel Kaelin. I am running Moodle 1.9.10 on a Unix / CENTOS 6 platform. The PHP version is 5.3.2. Mine seems to be triggered by adding big blue button rooms to the course but it isn't affecting...
View ArticleRe: How Do I Clear an Unfinished Automated Backup?
by Doug Moody. Ken and Emma (or anyone else)I have tried all suggestions, and today got a break with some clues. Could you look at the graphics below and offer some advice please? Maybe you see...
View ArticleRe: How Do I Clear an Unfinished Automated Backup?
by Ken Task. If I re-call correctly, at one time you had some issues with upgrading the site and had kinda worked your way through that in a non-standard way. So I think what we have here is a data...
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