Ken and Emma (or anyone else)
I have tried all suggestions, and today got a break with some clues. Could you look at the graphics below and offer some advice please? Maybe you see something I am missing and a way to fix it?
The first graphic is from my cPanel, in the backups/temp folder. It shows some non-zero files and folders. So following your advice, Ken, I looked at what they contain.
The next graphic shows the contents of the first folder. It was done by CRON job at 5:05. Kinda looks like the contents of a partial back, no? OK, keep reading...
Thhis graphic is the third file down (from graphic 1 above) I do not know what it is supposed to be showing me, but it is the result of a manual backup at 7:29am.
Finally, and perhaps the most telling, is the last file. It is pointing to files that I know I have in my course. I have those files sometimes as resource type (file), and sometimes they are embedded in a page. And, sometimes they are in quiz questions. I do not know where they are all scattered, and some of them are now obsolete (but some aare valid) and I haven't used them anywhere in quite some time (in fact, they were in courses I deleted long ago) Also, I wonder what the reference to the Enrol plugin and manual enrolments is all about? (first line)
So, anyone with where I should go from here? Please!!!