Re: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Natassia Stelmaszek. "Any" action is a pretty broad term, backing up a course could be considered to be an action that is logged which in turn would trigger another backup leading to a perpetual...
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Natassia Stelmaszek. Ken,I guess that I am just misunderstanding the instructions that you put into your previous posting. The way that I read it, there is the step to turn off the automated...
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Ken Task. Ok, got it. this thread, however, was about temp/backup dir and consuming a lot of space ... your issue with what changes to a course qualifies it to include the course in auto backups...
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Renaat Debleu. In automatic backup settings, I disabled:userslogscalendar eventsuser completion informationhistoriesBut some visible courses are still backed up while in the database there are only...
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Renaat Debleu. We have a chicken and egg situation: because a backup was created, the course is considered to be modified.If someone has an idea how these backup creation logs in all log stores can...
View ArticleMedium changer of Scalar i3 does not appear
by Hivers Brice. Hello Team, I have a issue about installation of my scalar i3 Robot. So it has 2 FC drives and is connected on a Dell R730 which runs Win Server 2012 R2. But when i have installed...
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Séverin Terrier. Hi Natassia,I totally agree with your point of view. I think that something introduced in Moodle 3.4 (an event in log ?) generates lots of uneeded backups, because courses are...
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Séverin Terrier. Hi again,After digging a little, i found that MDL-53537 introduced the course_backup_created event in Moodle 3.4, which is the cause of this problem.Hope that knowing the origin of...
View Articleproblem in backup
by abdou salem. i ask about it stop in 4.Perform backup from 5 steps1. Initial settings / ► 2. Schema settings / ► 3. Confirmation and review / ► **4. Perform backup** / ► 5. Completeand in final...
View ArticleRe: problem in backup
by Ken Task. Help? ... maybe.Did you click on the link for 'more information about this error'? What did it say?Check your apache server's error log for 'Server has gone away'. If you see that,...
View Articleإعادة: Re: problem in backup
by abdou salem. thank you for replay "Ken Task"click on the link for 'more information about this error' ... asked me to make Debugging on to know more information about this error where can i find...
View ArticleRe: إعادة: Re: problem in backup
by Ken Task. And did you turn on debugging and get any more info?Sometimes, locations of config files dependent upon operating system and how one is hosted.If linux server (RH Family) and typical...
View ArticleRe: Back up unsuccessful - locked by dependencies
by Dean Thayer. General backup settings didn't fix the "Locked by dependencies" problem for me, but I was able to get past it. In my site, there were some default settings for plugins that had never...
View ArticleMoodle 3.3.5 and problems doing backup
by Séverin Terrier. Hi, i was using Moodle 3.3.4 with no problem. Since i've installed Moodle 3.3.5, i've got problems doing backups for some courses (a lot) ; other courses backup well.Automatic...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 3.3.5 and problems doing backup
by Séverin Terrier. With debugging activated, here's what i get (for an exemple course) :error/setting_invalid_filenamePlus d'informations sur cette erreurDebug info:Error code:...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 3.3.5 and problems doing backup
by Ken Task. Don't speak French ... wish I did sometimes ... haven't experienced the same problem myself so this is a 'sluething guess' just looking at what it's showing in debug...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 3.3.5 and problems doing backup
by Séverin Terrier. Hi Ken,and thanks for your answer and suggestion.For what i've seen, some other courses containing same signs work well.But i've discovered that all courses in error (in automatic...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 3.3.5 and problems doing backup
by Mary Cooch. I don't know if this is relevant but I did see a tracker issue about backup file names over 255 characters - is this anything to do with your problem?...
View ArticleRe: Moodle 3.3.5 - impossible to make backup when course shortname is "long"
by Séverin Terrier. Hi Mary,Thanks for your help, but i'm not concerned by this issue.I've rather created MDL-61723 for this new problem.Séverin
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Natassia Stelmaszek. Is there a way that I can make certain that this gets on the developer to-do list?Natassia
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