Re: Bulk Archiving Courses
by Sean Scott. Thank you Ken.The script you provided was very helpful. I did have to make a small change to it, as it threw an error. After digging around in Google I was able to correct the issue and...
View ArticleRe: Bulk Archiving Courses
by Ken Task. Welcome! Congrats! Your first bash shell script for moodle? ;)And just in case anyone reads his adjustments ... they are specific to his server setup.The cat [/PATH/TO/MOODLECODE] in...
View ArticleRe: Bulk Archiving Courses
by Sean Scott. Hi Ken,Yes it was my first. I'm just getting into scripting on the Linux/Moodle side. I'm more used to Blackboard LMS.I know this not related but do you have a similar way to bulk...
View ArticleRe: Bulk Archiving Courses
by Ken Task. You might check into installing moosh - CLI only. It can be scripted.See: commands for which there is no equiv in the Moodle Admin UI.'spirit...
View ArticleIdentifying a manual vs an automated backup file
by Jerry Lau. Hello folks.I was wondering how in the moodledata folder, can we differentiate by looking at the hash what is an automated vs a backup created manually by the owner of that course?Do I...
View ArticleRe: Identifying a manual vs an automated backup file
by Emma Richardson. I would think you could just look at the timestamp. Presuming that like most of us, you are running automated in the middle of the night and the majority of your teachers would...
View ArticleRe: Identifying a manual vs an automated backup file
by Jerry Lau. I think I can do it programmatically. I noticed there is mimetype of 'application/vnd.moodle.backup' and 'application/zip'What is the difference between those 2 I wonder... I guess I...
View ArticleRe: Identifying a manual vs an automated backup file
by Jerry Lau. filearea is the key... has to be "course".. that is the key I think
View ArticleRe: Identifying a manual vs an automated backup file
by Jerry Lau. filearea is the key... has to be "course".. that is the key I think
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Renaat Debleu. I created several servers I see a lot of useless backups are made.
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Renaat Debleu. When I compare all backups, I can only find changes in the users.xml file.So when the auto backup includes users (backup_auto_users setting is enabled), any change of a user...
View ArticleRe: Course Restore in Progress
by Ursula Williams. Where can I find this - max_allowed_packets - I checked my php.ini and it does not have this statement. I have a course that is 1.2 MB and it won't restore for me, I think it is...
View ArticleRe: Course Restore in Progress
by Ken Task. Sorry ... it's max__allowed_packet if I shared incorrect info before ... corrected now.It's not PHP but MySQL ... my.cnf - config file of your DB server?Read about it here for a better...
View ArticleRe: Course Restore in Progress
by Colin Fraser. As far as file upload, you can change it to whatever size you want, essentially, but anything much bigger than 512MB can take a bit long. If you are going to change file upload size...
View ArticleAutomated Backups ddlexecuteerror
by Andrew Deathridge. Hi,We are currently having a problem with our automated backups. The majority of them error with the message “Exception: ddlexecuteerror”. We’re using MS SQLServer as a backend...
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Richard van Iwaarden. I'm currently experiencing exactly the samen problem as described here.More info: are disabledSomething in the...
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Natassia Stelmaszek. Renaat,Yes, "Include users" is checked on the "Automated backup setup" page. I doubt if real changes to user data would be the cause of this problem. I am seeing the same...
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Natassia Stelmaszek. Ken,I'm not sure what you mean in step 2 of your procedure. Once I set Automated backup setup - Active to Disabled and I click on Save changes, what else should I do in order...
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Emma Richardson. If you are including logs, I would presume that any action would trigger a change...
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Ken Task. Not sure I am following, but revisit the setting where you turned it off .... still off/disabled?Guess one has to trust it's then off!If you are not that trusting, then the only other way...
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