Re: Manual backup missing
by Matthew Bailey. Apologies, I'm new to administrating Moodle. I'm following the docs here. On my installation there isn't a Backup option in Courses (see screen cap above)Also, backup is missing...
View ArticleRe: Manual backup missing
by Emma Richardson. But the screen shot is of the admin settings not the course settings. Please go to the course, and look at the administration menu within the course. Post screenshot.
View ArticleRe: Manual backup missing
by Matthew Bailey. I getting the feeling I'm in the wrong area but for the life of me I cannot find Course Administration
View ArticleRestoring course from Moodle 2.7.3 to Moodle 3.3.3 -- Error Code 8114
by Doyle Van Zandt. Moodle 333 server: Windows Server 2016 Moodle 3.3.3SQL Server: Windows Server 2016 SQL Server 2014Process: Testing for upgrade. Backing up course from Moodle 2.7.3 and...
View ArticleRe: Restoring course from Moodle 2.7.3 to Moodle 3.3.3 -- Error Code 8114
by Ken Task. Don't run Windows, but .... think there is something that might help as requirements for many things for Moodle 3.x-> seem to be a moving target these days ...In your 2.7, Site Admin...
View ArticleRe: Manual backup missing
by Matthew Bailey. I finally figured this out, completely user error.Thanks for trying to help me.
View ArticleRe: Manual backup [Solved]
by Helen Foster. Hi Matthew,Glad to hear that you figured things out and apologies for the documentation Course backup being confusing. I have edited the page to hopefully make things clear.
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Emma Richardson. How much is a lot of space?
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Hosein Naseri. my disk is about 70G. 60G of it gets consumed by temp/backup again and again
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Emma Richardson. Oh wow - that is not right. Have you looked at files that are getting put in there? Is it possible that your site has been hacked?
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Hosein Naseri. I dont think Im being hacked. this is a new website and only limited persons know its is a screenshot of files inside backup folder. I think they are somehow generated...
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Hosein Naseri. Also, I tried turning off the cron job and it seems the files are not recreated again.
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Emma Richardson. It does almost sound like maybe backups...the folder probably reference courses - I guess I would drill down into those - are you doing anything with video?
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Hosein Naseri. yes. many of my lessons have video explanations. is it related to the problem?
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Ken Task. If the interface shows autobackup is off but it's still scheduled to run in the DB you might have to use anything you have (like phpmyadmin or other tool) and set backup_auto_active in...
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Hosein Naseri. Thank you for your suggestions Ken,I saw the backup_auto_active field in my database and the value was already 0.I also disabled Automated backups task in moodle...
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Ken Task. Sounds like 'run-away-autobackup'. Truncate the following table related to autobackups (truncate means to remove the data .... not the tables themselves):mdl_backup_courses - this one...
View ArticleRe: Back up unsuccessful - locked by dependencies
by Emma Richardson. It about has to be a permissions issue. Strange if you are site admin but I would check permissions anyway. I know that there is a permission to allow backup of user data.
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Hosein Naseri. I found that there is a controller variable in mdl_backup_controllers that is similar between all rows :...
View ArticleRe: Moodle temp/backup folder keeps consuming disk space
by Ken Task. Uhhh .... maybe it would be wise to share info on 'have my own backup procedure'. For individual courses?'spirit of sharing', Ken
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