Things Shouldn't Be Backed Up
by Natassia Stelmaszek. I'm still having trouble as described in my previous post (What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?) only its gotten worse. I have the system set to only back up...
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Rebecca Trynes. I have found something very similar happened in my upgraded instance of Moodle. I went from 3.1.5 to 3.3.2 and now a bunch of courses from 2 years ago are getting backed up due to a...
View ArticleRe: What Counts As "Modified" for Automatic Backups?
by Rebecca Trynes. I suppose it could have something to do with any of the following updates that occurred in assignments?=== 3.3.2 ===* assign_refresh_events() Now takes two additional parameters to...
View ArticleERROR: restore_step_exception
by Henrik sune Pedersen. Hi Whwn we try to import course, we get this error:COURSE #1: Trying to copy data from the course "491" to the course "27794" ... 2018-01-24 12:04:17: ERROR:...
View ArticleRe: ERROR: restore_step_exception
by Stuart Mealor. HelloYou need to clarify this question.Do you mean "Import" a course, or are you trying to "Restore" a Backup of a Course ?If you are Restoring a Course from a Backup, are they from...
View ArticleRe: ERROR: restore_step_exception
by Henrik sune Pedersen. Hi StuartThanks for replying. It turned out that the course we were trying to import had some kind of corrupt data. We accuried a new backup and tried again with the same...
View ArticleRe: Back up unsuccessful - locked by dependencies
by Leticia Dark-rose. Hi Emma, sorry for the delay. i have unchecked all options in the general backup sessions..... it is still lock by dependencies.any other ideas?
View ArticleRe: Error when try to duplicate some module in a course
by Séverin Terrier. I don't know. But you could try to update to Moodle 3.1.10, to see if it fixes this error...It's just the evolution of your actual version, integrating bug fixes, and should be...
View ArticleRe: Back up unsuccessful - locked by dependencies
by Emma Richardson. Please show screenshot of your backup default settings...
View ArticleRe: Import sections - what permissions needed?
by Colin Fraser. Defining what permissions and capabilities required for a created Role remotely is actually impossible. For example, I am not there, at your institute, I don't know what your finer...
View ArticleInvalid backup creation on moodle 3.3
by Swaggaaa Yolo. Hello,I've been upgrading a couple courses from moodle 1.9 to 3.3 following a lot of middle steps. All the backups have been successful and I've restored them up to 3.3 as I wanted,...
View ArticleRe: Invalid backup creation on moodle 3.3
by Emma Richardson. See if enabling the Legacy File repository will help...
View ArticleRe: Invalid backup creation on moodle 3.3
by Ken Task. +1 to Emma's suggestion ... but add or think that Legacy needs to be turned on not only at site level but in the problem course.If I were you, I'd start working on courses that have...
View ArticleRe: Invalid backup creation on moodle 3.3
by Ken Task. Just thought of something else that might be involved. Can't re-call what version of 2 where 'aliased' was introduced but, if in the old/site version, file system repo was turned on,...
View ArticleRe: Invalid backup creation on moodle 3.3
by Swaggaaa Yolo. First of all, thank you both Ken and Emma for your suggestions. I appreciate the help.I tried enabling the Legacy File repository but the issue persisted. I was about to try Ken's...
View ArticleManual backup missing
by Matthew Bailey. After upgrading to 3.4, the manual backup link is missing (Administration > Course administration > Backup). Any ideas why and how it can fixed?
View ArticleRe: Manual backup missing
by Helen Foster. Hi Matthew,You can create a backup of any course by going into the course then clicking the backup link either in the gear menu or the Administration block (depending upon the theme)....
View ArticleRestoring template course via upload CSV ignores settings block
by Pedro Fernández. Hi!When trying to upload courses from a CSV file using a course backup as a template, the settings block is not restored. I can see in the DB that the block is not created. I've...
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