I'm having a heck of a time restoring a course that was sent to me. I've read the restore docs (http://docs.moodle.org/23/en/Course_restore), searched the archives and looked at YouTube moodle videos. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong, if anything. A zipped file was sent to me by a publisher on behalf of a teacher who will be teaching the course. Unzipping the file creates an mbz file. I have admin privaleges and I follow the course restore instructions, uploading the mbz file and clicking on "Restore" the browser screen goes blank--no error message, nothing appears but a white screen. No course is created and I do not see any dialog boxes that would appear in the course of restoring a file. I was told that it is compatible with version 2.3 (that I we are running) and I am double checking on that. I am attaching a screen shot of the page where I am tring to restore the file, hopefully that will help. Should I be uploading the zip file instead? I get no error message, everything just stops when I click Restore. Help with this problem would be sincerely appreciated.
PS: I may have found the problem, not sure. I opened the XML file that is in the mbz (zipped?) file and it shows:
Does this mean it is a verson 1.8 backup? (despite what I was told) could this be the source of the problem? Is a 1.8 backup release compatible with moodle 2.3?
Thanks again for any clues you can give me here!