This what I have done to make a copy of our production database over to our development environment (assuming you are using a *Nix platform)
Do a database backup using mysqdldump and let's say we call the file production.sql
Make a copy of production.sql and call it newurl.sql (this way you can always go back to the original if things fail)
Now run this Nix command
sed -i ‘s/original_url/new_url/g’ newurl.sql
the “g” at the end tells sed to perform the action globally to replace whatever was in "original_irl" to the new one you want (new_url).
In your case:
sed -i ‘s/’ newurl.sql
Now restore the database using the newurl.sql file into the database.
Don't forget to change your config.php in your moodle 2.4 root to use the new url.
This should work.
Good luck