Hi I'm using Moodle 2.2.6 and have recently got my automated backups working (after previously experiencing a known error message which was connected to the grids layout where I had to delete the backup folder from the grids course) but now the backups report isn't what I was expecting.
Our institution has around 900 courses / classes in total but because we are just starting to use Moodle, only 10 at most are currently being used. As I understand it, if a course hasn't been altered after 30 days then it will be 'skipped', otherwise it will have an OK status to indicate its been backed up as changes have been made.
My confusion is that around 8 courses have been skipped and the rest show as 'OK', I was expecting the opposite as only a few courses are being used at present. To check this I have looked at the log files under admin > reports, selected a course with a backup status of OK (but one that I know hasn't been used) , selected all days from the drop down but as expected nothing appears as the course hasn't been modified. I have done the same for a coourse I know has been modifed and the edits do appear so I know the log is producing correct info.
Does anybody know what is happening here? I've already searched the forum but can only find cases of auto backup working or not working.
Also for the automated backup settings, when I select 'course backup file area and the specified directory' from the drop down, I have created a folder on c:\ called moodlebackup so I put C:\moodlebackup into this box, click on save and a tick appears but still no backups appear in the folder?
Thanks in advance,