I have seen many posts around the Internet for restoring a Moodle environment and getting broken image links, but I can't find any answers that help me. I am on a shared hosting server, and have created a test instance of Moodle 2.8 on a separate server. The 2.8 version has broken links. The path to pluginfile.php exists, and the rest of the image path is /1035/course/section/603/backpacking.png . 1035 is the contextid and 603 is the itemid. Are these files stored on the file system somewhere that I did not copy over, or are they blobs in the database? (I did copy moodledata to the new version.)
Also if I try to edit an activity I get this message: Can not read file, either file does not exist or there are permission problems.
The images and activity editing all work fine in the 2.6 version of Moodle. Please let me know if there is an issue on the database or in the file system, and how I may fix it. Thanks.