The question is, why use a third party tool for a Moodle backup? AFAIK, Moodle's course backup process uses a particular file structure and an *.mbz extension, that is not easily duplicated by an alternative backup process. As I understand it, Softaculous is an autoinstaller, which would imply it will restore to any course it has installed, but not otherwise.
The short answer, for me anyway, is "very unlikely to happen....if at all." I am assuming here that the backup is a single course. Best bet, unzip it in a folder, create a course and upload the files to the course. HTML files can be copied into the Page resource and so on.
If it is a site, that is different, run the backup extractor and it should replace the existing Moodle. Of course, nothing is going to work like it should if you haven't backed up the database and the moodledata folder, or if you have backed up the moodledata folder but not the database. Or if you have backed up the database but not the moodledata folder. Unless you have specific hacks in the code base, there is no real need to back the code up, that is easily replaced from the download files from your last upgrade-or you can upgrade your site to a later version of Moodle.