Oh, are we in trouble ... 'await ... wisdom'!!! I did disclose that much of the 'wisdom' comes from trying things that don't work ... at least, then, I know what doesn't work. :|
Ok, looked at the log file and see references to a couple like:
checksum 7fbc5565f00d2a24e02e5c73d3b76036
And you're telling me that 7fbc5565f00d2a24e02e5c73d3b76036 doesn't exist in filedir?
checksum suggest the system is checking the accuracy of the creation of that file - ie, nothing missing. So that .log file doesn't look like it's reporting any issues.
Are you using the operating system 'du'?
And there is nothing left in /moodledata/temp/backup/ ?
Moodle must be able to create temp files ... and it must be able to remove them once it's done as well.
One of the methods I use to troubleshoot things like this is the 'watch' command - while the backup process is running. Can see Moodle create folders and xml files and then build a contenthash named .mbz file. Sometimes, Moodle cleans up all of it with the exception of the .mbz file (which I've mentioned before, in certain situations, cannot be 'copied' to designated directory for archiving). It can, however, be 'moved'.
So can you use command line and 'watch'?
'spirit of sharing', Ken