Re: Moodle2.7 - Error when restoring course
by Trinh Nguyen. Yes, this works for me. You can try to increase the upload limit size to 1 or 2GB.
View ArticleRe: Moodle2.7 - Error when restoring course
by Kristina Ban. I'm using repository of files from moodledata, so it shouldn't have impact, but maybe it has.Thanks for your answer. I will check that.
View ArticleRe: Moodle2.7 - Error when restoring course
by Kristina Ban. There is the same situation. I don't know what is it.
View ArticleRe: M 2.7.1 Module not fully restored ...
by Kristina Ban. I see that it is problem with assignments.
View ArticleRe: M 2.7.1 Module not fully restored ...
by Hilton Sato. Hi Kristina. Please, one question: when you performed a backup, the account user's was including too?
View Articlebackup with users, accounts and activities
by Hilton Sato. Hi allWe work with two moodles of diferent versions. I call oldmoodle (1.9) and newmoodle (2.7). In oldmoodle, we have 50 students enrolled. Each student send activities, works,...
View ArticleRe: backup with users, accounts and activities
by Mary Cooch. Hello there. It is not possible to back up 1.9 courses WITH user information. You either must back up the 1.9 courses and restore them without user information into Moodle 2 or else...
View ArticleRe: Unable to Import Course
by John Hackett. Not sure if this is still an issue with people but just in case...We had the same problem (v 2.6.1) and found that there is a settings in the admin panel to control the...
View ArticleWhy are moodle backups so big?
by SVI eSolutions. I have moodle 2.4 and I don't want to have to recreate courses for each session. I have tried to backup and restore the content into an empty course. I have also tried using the...
View ArticleRe: Backing up "private files" sub-folders and aliases directing to "private...
by Stefan Meyer. Hi,I have the same problem with 2.7.Any ideas how to deal with that?Thank youStefan
View ArticleRe: Why are moodle backups so big?
by Tim Hunt. A Moodle backup file is a zip file with a different extension.Rename .mbz -> .zip, and unconpress, and you can see what is taking the space.
View ArticleRe: error in files after restore course
by Teddy Wiphatphumiprates. Hi Ken,I have the same restore problem with Moodle 2.6.3+. I also posted mine @ It seems like the error came from the...
View ArticleRe: error in files after restore course
by Ken Task. Are you sharing your experiences or asking for assistance/what to do?One observation seen in what has been shared ... the file name itself:In the xml: KOKMEN_STMS.pdfIn what was reported...
View ArticleFile name convention
by Visvanath Ratnaweera. Ken Your advice:> consider naming files in all lower case with no spaces (use underscores dashes for spaces) *before* uploading them to Moodle. The Moodle developers do not...
View ArticleRe: File name convention
by Ken Task. Thanks. Understand about 'disagreement' ... mine stems from many years of working with web/apps, etc.. not from a programming angle and working on the backend doing things Moodle UI...
View ArticleRe: File name convention
by Visvanath Ratnaweera. I know, "herding cats", and some stray ones! 'lower case letters ... no spaces,' only the "special characters" underscore, hyphen and period allowed, the latter two not as the...
View ArticlePotential coding error - existing temptables found when disposing database....
by Diego Muñoz. Help !!! Hi, I'm doing the restoration of the courses through the API, at the moment I'm trying to do it in parallel with curl, but when run gives me the following error: Error coding...
View ArticleReducing backup size by excluding content files
by Gavin Thompson. I have a course with a lot of File Resources. These File Resources contain audio files which therefore makes the course very large. Is there a way of backing up a course but...
View ArticleRe: Reducing backup size by excluding content files
by Guillermo Madero. Hello Gavin,Just untick the corresponding resource(s) you don't want/need in the backup:
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