Re: Help ! I Delete course without backup !
by Rosario Carcò. And that's also the reason why DOING Backups is only one side of the medal/coin. The most important part is RESTORING backups from tape to check whether you really get what you...
View ArticleRe: Help ! I Delete course without backup !
by Steve Ambro v2.7+. Back in the mid 80s, I was working with a fellow student to develop a major computer project. We had worked on this for two months and did not do any backup. One Sunday, we...
View ArticleRe: Help ! I Delete course without backup !
by Guillermo Madero. That happened to me once with the disk imaging system I used. I always ran and relied on the self-check option available; surprise surprise! A time came when the system said that...
View ArticleBackup error: [an error occurred while processing this directive]
by James Choi. On Moodle 2.3On some courses, I am getting the following error.[an error occurred while processing this directive]Whereas some other courses I don't, and the course is backed up...
View ArticleRe: Backup error: [an error occurred while processing this directive]
by Emma Richardson. What is the size of the courses? Is it that the small one are restoring and the large ones are not? Turn on debugging and see what detailed error shows up. That should help you...
View ArticleBack up failure
by Carmsie Melodie. Hi there,Details: Moodle version 2.6.3 Essential ThemeI am trying to back up my site but it always stalls at around 95%. One time it gave me an error message but I did not grab a...
View ArticleRe: Back up failure
by Emma Richardson. Do you mean that you are trying to back up a course? If not, how exactly are you trying to back up the site?
View ArticleRe: Back up failure
by Carmsie Melodie. I was using Administration > Front page settings > backupFrom your reply, I assume this does not back up the whole site. Either way, I still need these errors fixed. In the...
View ArticleRe: Backup stalls at "Confirmation and Review"
by curt bixel. Ken,You are so the man. My new site is up and running! It looks like in order to have a site run well, several PHP.ini settings need to be...
View Article[M24] Cannot unlock user data backup in all courses....
by Valery Fremaux. Hi i seek desperately a way to understand what constraints are locking all the user data backuping in a production platform of mine. All my collegues admins in this moodle have the...
View ArticleRe: [M24] Cannot unlock user data backup in all courses....
by Mary Cooch. Hello Valéry. I think you said in the French forums but just to confirm here - you have definitely NOT got Include users set to No and the setting locked in Site administration /...
View ArticleRe: [M24] Cannot unlock user data backup in all courses....
by Valery Fremaux. Unfortunately this is already checked....Valery
View ArticleProblems restoring courses
by Ulrike Albers. Hello,I recently experience some trouble restoring courses from backups, especially big ones with user data. We use 2.5 version.But it's not always the same kind of...
View ArticleRe: Automated backup doesn't work
by Ulrike Albers. Hallo, I had that problem once. In a strange manner it dissappeared : I first configured to never skip any courses, and it worked. Then, after a while, I set it to skip non modified...
View ArticleRe: Backup stalls at "Confirmation and Review"
by Ken Task. Glad to hear it.As far as specific to your situtation and suggestion concerning installation instructions ... well, not everyone's setup is the same. Your's is InMotion VPS ... wonder...
View ArticleRe: Problems restoring courses
by Guillermo Madero. Hello Ulrike,You may need to increase the limits of the max_execution_time, post_max_size and upload_max_filesize directives at the php.ini configuration file.Please...
View Article[SOLVED] : [M24] Cannot unlock user data backup in all courses....
by Valery Fremaux. Found the issue after half day search : This comes from a mismeaning of the global backup defaults. What you would expect : If locked : Lock signal and user data backup forced...
View ArticleFunction that restores a course
by Philip Templeton. Hi,Is there a function that would copy/restore a course? In the enrollment plugin functionality, the logic applies a format with a function called 'course_get_format' which...
View ArticleRe: Cannot restore courses to new 2.6 instance if they have quizzes
by C. J. Turner. I do not know if this would be in any way beneficial to anyone, but I was running into a problem with restoring courses from Moodle 2.6 to Moodle 2.6. Two different server locations....
View ArticleEnormous course failing automated backups
by Aaron Batty. Hi all.I am running 2.6.We are building a Moodle course that contains MP3 audio for an entire library of graded readers (short, easy books for language learning) so that students can...
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