Errors is ugrading from Moodle 2.5.5 to Moodle 2.6.2
by g k. This is on a Linux webserver. The error message I get consistently is: Upgrading to new versionqtype_multichoiceTable "question_multichoice" already existsMore information about this...
View ArticleRe: Errors is ugrading from Moodle 2.5.5 to Moodle 2.6.2
by Tim Hunt. This is an odd issue that a few people encounter, but it works fine for almost everybody. See MDL-43393 for more information.Until we can work out what is causing the failures for a few...
View ArticleRe: Error writing to database
by Guillermo Madero. Hi Luna,Development and Production values should be different, that's precisely why PHP includes two templates:php.ini-developmentphp.ini-productionYou need to set up your...
View ArticleRe: error/error_question_answers_missing_in_db
by Giancarlo De Pol. Hi,same issue here, 2.6.1. I can see the culprit questions by turning on Debug->Developer, they show up during Restore; the process hangs and the log shows e.g.Error code:...
View ArticleRe: error/cannot_finish_ui_if_not_setting_ui
by Susan Fleming. I just encountered the same error message. The course being backed up is fairly complex but it has been backed up numerous times in the past both with and without user...
View ArticleBackup/restore/import does not preserve permissions on activities/resources
by Elizabeth Dalton. We are trying to create template courses to use for future terms that will only allow limited editing by instructors, while still allowing instructors to add resources and...
View ArticleRe: Backup in 2.6 and restore to 2.4 - Error
by Mike Hatherly. Just thought I would update my post with a couple of solutions....The backup was failing to restore due to a couple of differences in the 2.6 and 2.4 servers. Turning off the...
View ArticleBack-Up File Too Large
by josh love. I have a course that I am trying to back-up/restore, but whenever I back-up the course, the file size is coming out to be a LOT larger then it should. It is currently coming out to be...
View ArticleRe: Back-Up File Too Large
by Ken Task. Version of Moodle? (makes a difference in where to look and suggestions).'spirit of sharing', Ken
View ArticleRe: Back-Up File Too Large
by Giancarlo De Pol. My quiz backups (2.6.1) are usually about the same size (30 MB), without users data. These are math or physics quizzes, 30 questions each, with several pictures. I do resize my...
View ArticleRe: Back-Up File Too Large
by Ken Task. Math and/or Physics courses would probably have equations/forumlas and use a Math editor to build. Those get converted into images.Suggest downloading a backup (.mbz). Change the...
View ArticleRe: Back-Up File Too Large
by Przemek Kaszubski. Hello,I am experiencing the same problem - on an upgraded site. To my understanding this is because there are legacy files in upgraded courses, which - unfortunately - get backed...
View ArticleRe: Back-Up File Too Large
by josh love. Hey Przemek,I went to the course and went to the Legacy files, and guess what? I found 27.7 MB of files sitting there. It brought my course size down to 1.2MB. The guy before me must of...
View ArticleRe: Back-Up File Too Large
by josh love. Hey Ken,We are running Moodle 2.5.3.As you can see in a post further down, we were able to locate these 'hidden' files and it dropped my course size down to 1.2MB. But now I have a new...
View ArticleRe: Back-Up File Too Large
by Ken Task. Sounds like debugging needs to be turned on. Then try whatever process.When files are removed from the new file system they are actually tagged as 'trash' and remain in...
View ArticleRe: Back-Up File Too Large
by josh love. Hey Ken,I ran the cron job a couple of times. The trash folder has only one file in it at the moment (it is the 29MB back-up file I deleted).I don't have access to the server to check...
View ArticleRe: Back-Up File Too Large
by Ken Task. Check the contents of the .log files if they are larger than 0 bytes. Could give a clue.The other files/folders one can delete manually - safe to do now as those appear to be failed...
View ArticleRe: Multiple course restore to one or multiple Moodle sites
by vinoth kannan. Hi Anatoliy,Sorry for late reply, I use Internet Explorer 8 version. Moodle 2.4.2 and SQLserver 2008. Please let me know when you got the script ready to be working for testing...
View ArticleRe: Multiple course restore to one or multiple Moodle sites
by Anatoliy Kochnev. IE8? can you try switching to Chrome or Firefox? It should work right away.Thanks
View ArticleRe: Back-Up File Too Large
by Przemek Kaszubski. Hi Josh,Glad it worked for you. Verify if all the activities and resources work OK now, however. Some of the deletes may have been linked to the still existing course modules. If...
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