Re: Merge user data from multiple courses into one common course
by Alejandro Perez. Hello, Freddy, did you succeed with the merging task? I face the same challenge now.
View ArticleContent of Labels show as raw HTML code in course restore (1.9.9>2.3)
by Fernando Oliveira. When I restore a course from our old server (running Moodle 1.99) into our new server (running 2.3), the labels show the HTML source code, as shown below. The new server was...
View ArticleBackup fails with "Can not read file, either file does not exist or there are...
by Enid Newberg. I upgraded from Moodle 2.1 to 2.2.3. I lost most of my images. I have been slowly going through and replacing them and have one course completely updated. However, when I try to back...
View ArticleRe: Raw copy of course and contents, Moodle 1.9
by Visvanath Ratnaweera. Hi Morten It could be a resources problem or time outs. Increase the level and get hold of the exact error message.
View ArticleRe: Backup Restore fails for courses from clean 2.3.1+ to 2.3.1+ (upgraded...
by Didier Raboud. I confirm this problem (mod_book upgrade that fails to add the "intro" field); is there a bug opened ?
View ArticleTopic Objects - Backup and Restore
by Mark Storey. Hello ALL, I’d like to open a discussion about course topic reusability. We have heard of 'Learning Objects' and we're all aware of the process of backing up individual 'Topics' from...
View ArticleBacking up stuff not in an activity format
by Justin Reeve. I have some extra tables I created as part of a theme and course format, in Moodle 2.3, used for implementing a custom hierarchical page-based layout. I don't know if I shot myself in...
View ArticleRe: the story of the misteriously filling up hard disk
by David Price. this was incredibly helpful, thanks.
View ArticleImport from another course without getting the Question Bank
by Joe Teacher. I have a few different courses that I teach and I have just learned how to import files to share them between courses. I have files, URLs, and Labels that I want to move (no quizes or...
View ArticleRe: Import from another course without getting the Question Bank
by Mary Cooch. Hello there. If you look here you should be able to tick just the items you want to import and leave out the items you don't want -were...
View ArticleMass deleting Course Backups
by Rob Pare. We have recently upgraded a large number of Moodle sites from 1.9 to 2.2 After running the cron jobs for the upgraded sites for a few days we discovered that the space use on the server...
View ArticleRe: Import from another course without getting the Question Bank
by Joe Teacher. Thank you for replying. Yes, I was able to check and un-check items. I selected only files, labels, and URLs, but I also got each question in my question bank. As far as I know,...
View ArticleRe: Mass deleting Course Backups
by Ken Task. Wish there was some admin tool that would search the mdl_files table, but don't think there is at this point. Before doing anything like what is suggested below, run a complete backup:...
View ArticleRestoring 1.9 courses into 2.3... file links broken
by Adrian Baker. Hi all I've uresored my 1.9 course backups into Moodle 2.3 and all went well except the media links are all broken. I have read on this forum somwhere that this is 'what happens' and...
View ArticleBacking up only select courses
by Chris Lewis. Hello, I am working on a backup problem in Moodle 2.2.4. We have a large amount of courses that are dormant for part of the year but get small changes almost daily. These courses do...
View ArticleRogue Restore from 1.9 to 2.3
by Peter Meehan. I am trying to restore a 189Mb course from 1.9 into 2.3. Once started, the progress graphic just spins and spins and spins and ...... NOTHING I do stops this process from continuing...
View ArticleRe: Rogue Restore from 1.9 to 2.3
by Adrian Baker. How long have you left it running? I've been restoring 1.9 courses into 2.3 and had the same problem. What I discovered was you need to just wait... and wait. OK, my 'net connection...
View ArticleRe: Mass deleting Course Backups
by Rob Pare. Hi Ken, Thank you for the above - I've been off for a few days but will certainly be looking into this when I get back to the office next week.
View ArticleMoodle 2.3.1+ Backup FAILS with large courses
by Luis Olmedo. Hello I have a problem with the backup of a course that has many web links and HotPotatoes.Not a size issue as it contains few files and are small.In making the backup, in the third...
View ArticleRe: Content of Labels show as raw HTML code in course restore (1.9.9>2.3)
by Fernando Oliveira. Anyone care to take a stab at this? I’ve tried different PHP versions and compiled a bunch of modules but no joy. The bug seems fairly well documented, though most reports are at...
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