Re: 'Save to' field not working in Automated backup setup
by Emma Richardson. Can you show us your settings page? I had this happen once and was shocked to discover that I did not get an error message and Moodle just randomly decided to save them somewhere...
View ArticleRe: 'Save to' field not working in Automated backup setup
by Tony H. Hi Emma, thanks for the reply. Maybe I should enable debugging and see if there is an error thrown someplace? The backup folder is on the same server as the Moodle install. I use rsync to...
View ArticleRe: Backing up and restoring course eliminates gradebook categories and items
by Blair F.. I'm experiencing this, right now. I don't have any problem with the idea of using activities, rather than manual items, as that's often what I recommend, anyway. However, my concern is...
View ArticleRe: Automated Course Backups Directly to Cloud Storage
by Ken Task. When you say .... 'present on windows azure virtual machinge' ... is the guest operating system Windows or Linux?Can't speak to windows, but can for Linux .... and the 'cloud storage'...
View ArticleRe: 'Save to' field not working in Automated backup setup
by Tony H. To follow up with this, I found the hidden setting. Apparently, the Save to value is ignored unless the Automated backup storage value is set to Specified directory for automated backups....
View ArticleRe: Backup error within a course (courseid = 1)
by Adrian Perez Rodriguez. Hello KenSo I changed over night the database entry for courseid 1. But the backup fails! Here are some new information that I gathered (see attachements):Files in...
View ArticleRe: Backup error within a course (courseid = 1)
by Ken Task. In the sql dump of backup logs, line 2 .... activity skipped by _included settingsSyntax and Syntax error.So what activities do you have on the front page?Also, the last line ...expects...
View ArticleRe: Backup error within a course (courseid = 1)
by Ken Task. If you were wondering why the output was different ... your dev server had debugging turned on thus you see the setting up of the backup controller and the executions of the setting...
View ArticleRe: Backup error within a course (courseid = 1)
by Adrian Perez Rodriguez. Hello KenThanks for your thoughts. I think the "error" logs are not related to the backup of the frontpage.Our frontpage have three blocks (2 own plugins and online users)...
View ArticleRe: Backup error within a course (courseid = 1)
by Ken Task. What does '2 own blocks' mean? Are those 'standard core blocks' or customized blocks or blocks that might have dependencies?Settings say keep 2. So the files found show only 2 for ID...
View ArticleRecover course from partially working Moodle
by Philippe Decloitre. Hello,SITUTATION:I am about to move from 2.9 to 3.3But I cannot do it just yet (timewise). I have active courses on the 2.9 that are still sort of working (the grades wont show...
View ArticleRe: Recover course from partially working Moodle
by Emma Richardson. You can import the courses straight from 2.9 to 3.3 using backup and restore. The issues you mentioned should not come across - that sounds more like server issues. However, if...
View ArticleRe: Recover course from partially working Moodle
by Philippe Decloitre. Hello Emma Thank you for taking the time to answer Unfortunately the problem seems deeper:Ever since we moved the location of our Moodle a number of actions are not possible...
View ArticleRe: Recover course from partially working Moodle
by Ken Task. Thnk, at the very least, you will have to get the backups to work in the 2.9.x. No backups ... no restores to the 3.3. With debugging turned on and then one attempts to backup a...
View ArticleRe: Recover course from partially working Moodle
by Philippe Decloitre. Thnks Ken for looking into my request.I will turn to my colleague to get the answers your questions about our working environment and come back with the answers asap ..Probably...
View ArticleRe: Recover course from partially working Moodle
by Emma Richardson. Ken is right, turn debugging on and see if anything shows up. I really suspect that something corrupted in the migration. You might start by redownloading the version of moodle...
View ArticleRe: Backup error within a course (courseid = 1)
by Adrian Perez Rodriguez. Sry I must correct myself. We have only one customized block for our login (shibboleth - sso) the other ist the normal "login" block. I've setup the frontpage on dev...
View ArticleRe: Backup error within a course (courseid = 1)
by Ken Task. Too bad about removing the old CID 1 backups ... was going to suggest gunzipping them to see how large the .xml files were - in particular, the users.xml. That's something I've not...
View ArticleProblem with course start date at restore course
by Sergio Comerón Sánchez-Paniagua. At moodle 3.3.2+ when a teacher try to restore a backup course he never can overwrite the date start course. Always keeps the date of the course copy, although in...
View ArticleRe: Problem with course start date at restore course
by Isaac Marco Blancas. You can review the this permission:
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