Cannot read MBZ file using WinZip
by mart van der niet. (Moodle 3.1+ (Build: 20160603)) After backing up a course, downloading and changing the extension to 'zip', I can not open it using WInZip. The file is not recognized as a valid...
View ArticleRe: Cannot read MBZ file using WinZip
by Emma Richardson. If you are using the new backup format (which might be default now), the backup is double zipped, first as a tar backup. You will probably need a different program than WinZip and...
View ArticleRe: Cannot read MBZ file using WinZip
by Ken Task. Try renaming the .mbz file to use the extension .tgz or .tar.gz. Newer versions of Moodle are using tar gzip now for better compression of backups. And you'll need to find a Windows...
View ArticleRe: Bulk user download excel format not working
by Karikalan Kumaresan. Similar issue for me. I changed the $worksheet[0] = $workbook->add_worksheet('');to $worksheet[0] = $workbook->add_worksheet('export');in...
View ArticleRe: Cannot read MBZ file using WinZip
by mart van der niet. Thanks, that did it. Winzip handles tgz.
View ArticleRe: How do you stop a back up running
by Susan Mangan. this does not work anymore using version 3.0tried to disable auto backup as well as event. Then re-enabled event thinking this is why it was not safe is it to kill the...
View ArticleRe: How do you stop a back up running
by Emma Richardson. How long has it been running?
View ArticleRe: Bulk user download excel format not working
by Emma Richardson. This is a very old post so you should have started a new one. Is there a reason not to download a csv and then open in Excel?
View ArticleRe: Backup Issue
by Tarek Raslan. Hi Emma, I looked to the source codes and it looks ok, I replaced the Login php file to the original actually and it is still giving me the same issue.
View ArticleRe: Backup Issue
by Emma Richardson. What course is it downloading -maybe take a look at that course and see if anything looks strange there?
View ArticleRe: Backup Issue
by Ken Task. That's very strange!!! What happens when the download is completed?Uhhhh ... scan the .mbz before attempting to open.Happens to just admins? or all users?Would help to know ... 'login...
View ArticleRe: What is your BACKUP and DB MAINTENANCE strategy?
by Karishma Tiwari. I am currently running moodle 2.8, with 51 courses, and about 100 plus students.I do the following backups:1) Daily automated moodle course backup2) Weekly backup of moodledata...
View ArticleRe: What is your BACKUP and DB MAINTENANCE strategy?
by Karishma Tiwari. Im doing a manual tar cvf of the moodle directory, but I find it very slow and most of the times my terminal hangs and tar is never complete. How can I improve it?
View ArticleRe: What is your BACKUP and DB MAINTENANCE strategy?
by Karishma Tiwari. Im doing a manual tar cvf of the moodle directory, but I find it very slow and most of the times my terminal hangs and tar is never complete. How can I improve it?
View ArticleRe: Bulk user download excel format not working
by Karikalan Kumaresan. Hi Emma,Thanks for the response. Apologies, thought of not creating a new one since this thread was relevant. I will do from next time.CSV works, however, the special...
View ArticleRe: Bulk user download excel format not working
by Emma Richardson. Oh, hadn't thought of that! You might try checking your timeout limits in php.ini. It is probably timing out somewhere.
View ArticleRe: What is your BACKUP and DB MAINTENANCE strategy?
by Emma Richardson. This should be sufficient but I always include user data in my course backups. This way, if you just lose one course or a teacher deletes something vital by mistake, you can...
View ArticleRe: How do you stop a back up running
by Susan Mangan. Hi Emma,My issue wasn't that it was running too long, it was that I triggered an automatic backup inadvertently and wanted to stop it before we ran out of disk space. In the past...
View ArticleRe: Bulk user download excel format not working
by Karikalan Kumaresan. Hi Emma,I have fixed the issue by changing, $userprofiledata[] = $user->$field;to $userprofiledata[] = mb_convert_encoding($user->$field, 'ISO-8859-1',...
View ArticleBackup Pages - Error reading from database
by Russell Thomson. 2.9.5+I been trying to reconstruct my database as something went really wrong with the last one. I tried backing up pages and received the following error message. Can anyone help...
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