Re: After restore course I can't find any files in course section
by Dosimbek Umarov. Hello ! I've deleted course, than try to restore. No result same errorsetting controller status to 800 missing file (image_1450868195633.jpg) contenthash in backup for component...
View ArticleRe: After restore course I can't find any files in course section
by Emma Richardson. Did you create a new backup first? Errors are suggesting that there are files missing in the backup file.
View ArticleRe: After restore course I can't find any files in course section
by Dosimbek Umarov. Hello! Yes I've creatd new backup first, I check content of backup file and files are in.
View ArticleRe: After restore course I can't find any files in course section
by Dosimbek Umarov. Hello !I've dicovered that in files.xml all contenthash tag empty and some filename tag is empty. What is problem? <file id="2652">...
View ArticleDetermining the number of course backup files and their total size
by Mark Chaney. Dear all, before I try and go down the root of writing a script or doing some fancy SQL and command line searching, I wanted to see if anyone had any ideas: In Moodle 2.7 and/or...
View ArticleRe: After restore course I can't find any files in course section
by Dosimbek Umarov. Thank you very much ! Problem is solved ! I've reinstall bigblubutton plugin.
View ArticleRe: Determining the number of course backup files and their total size
by Ken Task. Think only a mysql query will satisfy the need to know info.On the DB for the Moodle try:select contenthash,filename,filearea,filesize from `mdl_files` where (`filearea` like "backup"...
View ArticleRestoring Moodle 1.9 course into 3.0
by Jacques LeCavalier. Hi, there. I'd like to restore a course built in Moodle 1.9 to a different Moodle 3.0 site.I uploaded the course backup file to a subdirectory of the repository folder using...
View ArticleRe: Restoring Moodle 1.9 course into 3.0
by Tim Hunt. It looks like you are struggling to understand how to upload a large file to Moodle in Moodle 2.0+, which is not really anything to do with backup and restore.The right way to do it is...
View ArticleRe: Restoring Moodle 1.9 course into 3.0
by Mary Cooch. If it is a course you want to restore from 1.9 to 3.0 and it is not bigger than your allowed upload limit, then you should be able to follow the normal procedure for restoring courses...
View ArticleRe: Restoring Moodle 1.9 course into 3.0
by Helen Foster. Hi Jacques,Does your 1.9 course contains assignment activities? If so, they will need to be upgraded in order to continue being usable. Please see the documentation Assignment upgrade...
View ArticleIssue restoring backup (own plugin code issue)
by David Belenguer. I've been several weeks trying to fix a plugin that we use to mix courses (reading from a webservice that returns what courses need to join together). It has been working until we...
View ArticleRe: Issue restoring backup (own plugin code issue)
by Ken Task. In 2.6 there was an experimental setting for using gzip (tar.gz) for compression which has become the default now (as opposed to zip/unzip) in higher versions of Moodle 2.7->3.x.The...
View ArticleRe: Issue restoring backup (own plugin code issue)
by David Belenguer. I thought that the General developer forum was for Moodle's core development. I'm new on this forum, as you can see.I'll post it on General developer forum then, thank you!
View ArticleCanvas to Moodle: Restoring IMSCC Backup Fails
by Randah Mouallem. Hi everyone! My institution is collaborating with another College here in Alberta to co-develop a program. They are using Canvas and we are using Moodle. They have sent me a few...
View ArticleRe: Canvas to Moodle: Restoring IMSCC Backup Fails
by Ken Task. Qualifications for this response ... haven't done it ... don't have canvas, but I can Google! ;)Please see: the bottom of that page, a...
View ArticleRe: Canvas to Moodle: Restoring IMSCC Backup Fails
by Randah Mouallem. Thanks, Ken! I was able to change it to an .zip file and extracted some content. I was then able to upload it as a SCORM module to see the course materials in context.I still can't...
View ArticleRe: Canvas to Moodle: Restoring IMSCC Backup Fails
by Ken Task. Don't think it's a Moodle course. When you had it unzipped, did you see a moodle_backup.xml file and other .xml files as well as folders/directories? If you did NOT then that verifies...
View ArticleRe: Canvas to Moodle: Restoring IMSCC Backup Fails
by Mary Cooch. Are you saying you managed successfully to turn it into a SCORM package and then to upload it into a course as a SCORM activity? If so, then you can make it a whole course by only...
View ArticleRe: Canvas to Moodle: Restoring IMSCC Backup Fails
by Randah Mouallem. Thank you all for the help and responses! I ended up just copying and pasting the content and recreated the forums and quizzes.
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