by Joseph Rézeau.
Hi again,
I've had another look at your error message and I see no reason why, in the data to be inserted to Lesson, the password field should contain a value of "NULL".
[array (
0 => 5,
1 => 'Bits, bytes and binary',
2 => '0',
3 => '0',
4 => '0',
5 => NULL,
6 => '0',
7 => 'O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:9:"timespent";i:0;s:9:"completed";i:0;s:15:"gradebetterthan";i:0;}',
8 => '100',
9 => '1',
10 => '0',
When I dump that data when doing a restore operation on my own test site, I get this when there is no password:
Any idea how a "NULL" value got into your password field instead of leaving it empty?