Hi all, I am trying to restore a course with 20 topics. However, the teacher wants the middle 5 topics left OUT of the new course. I can easily pick and choose which topics to include on the restoration copy - that works fine. When I open the new course however, it shows 5 'blank' topics! Even when I choose to make hidden sections 'completely invisible' under course settings, you can still see the 5 topic blocks. Is there any way that I can get Moodle to restore the blocks so they are in the proper sequence?
Is the only option to individually drag each unit to the end of the course, then change the number of units in the course under course settings? And if I go through this long ardous process and Backup the course yet again, will those changes 'stick'?
Thanks for any help on this!
Other info:
Course was originally created in Moodle 1.9, uploaded to 2.3, backed up in a .mbz format then restored to the same Moodle 2.3 server