In our moodle site (Moodle 2.4) the teachers can backup and download the zip file of their courses, but they can't Restore them.
To do this, we set moodle/restore:restorecourse to Allow, so they can Backup the course and later download the file, also, we modify the file moodle/backup/util/ui/renderer.php (line 499) so that only the Administrator have the URL"Restore" any other user can't see that link.
So far sogood,butthe teacher can seethe Restore button,thenwe setmoodle/restore:uploadfile to "Prohibit" so theycannotupload files or restore them.
Withthis optionthe teacherno longer seethe section where they can upload files,butalso they don'thave the section todeletetheir backup files.
How can weset up so theteacher does notuploadfiles orrestore them,but theycandeletethe files they made usingthe backup option?