Uhh, because your Moodle requires registration we cannot see the broken images/etc.
By 'prompt', I hope you don't mean 'easy button', for in this case, depending upon how you choose to resolve this, it may/may not be 'easy'.
One cannot do 'relative addressing' inside Moodle any more ... not in 1.9 and certainly not in 2.x (new file system). So here's an option that does require edits. Create a folder called 'resources' at the root of your web server (as long as that name doesn't conflict with anything Moodle). Upload all those pages and images into that folder (resources). To correct the links, edit each link and point to them via URL. Might have to use capture in a frame type link (to hide location) or in a new window without anything cept horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
Thats not a 'quick fix' - 'easy button'. Others might have different approach/fix. Might even be easier. Just my 2 cents!
'spirit of sharing', Ken