Using Moodle 2.3
First off let me state that I have administrative privileges on the Moodle site but not on the Server where the site is hosted.
We have a new install of Moodle 2.3 and it is timing out at restoring / importing a course. It is not a problem with a smaller course (1.3 mb) as I have done this by both the Restore and Import functions. But with my 4 MB course it does not work. I have deleted old back up files of the course and had no luck.
I have also had the Moodle server reset- this did work on time- but had no luck with that either.
When I try to import the course I get to 1. Course selection / ► 2. Initial settings / ►
Then I get this error
XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </div>.
Line Number 417, Column 11: </div></fieldset>
When I go to
I get this message
A required parameter (id) was missing
Debug info:
Error code: missingparam
Stack trace:
line 467 of \lib\setuplib.php: moodle_exception thrown
line 516 of \lib\moodlelib.php: call to print_error()
line 11 of \backup\import.php: call to required_param()
When I try to “restore” the course I get to 1. Confirm / ► 2. Destination / ► 3. Settings / ►
Then I get this error
XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </div>.
Line Number 672, Column 11: </div></fieldset>
When I go to
I get the following message
A required parameter (contextid) was missing
More information about this error
Debug info:
Error code: missingparam
Stack trace:
line 467 of \lib\setuplib.php: moodle_exception thrown
line 516 of \lib\moodlelib.php: call to print_error()
line 7 of \backup\restore.php: call to required_param()
This is for a pilot program to see how Professors and students like Moodle vs Black Board so it is importnat for this to work.
David Rumptz