by Jet Hall.
I need to back up and restore a course ASAP to get ready for a new semester and I continue to get the error below on step 4.
I have found other posts about this but no solutions!! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Do I need to rebuild this course from scratch or is there a work around?
- Jet
Debug info: /home/culturer/moodledata/filedir/60/98/609878ccc53cd3a33654be6958fee92eb6fac5a4
Error code: storedfilecannotread
Error code: storedfilecannotread
Stack trace:
- line 387 of /lib/filestorage/stored_file.php: file_exception thrown
- line 94 of /backup/util/helper/backup_file_manager.class.php: call to stored_file->copy_content_to()
- line 106 of /backup/moodle2/backup_custom_fields.php: call to backup_file_manager::copy_file_moodle2backup()
- line 70 of /backup/util/structure/backup_nested_element.class.php: call to file_nested_element->fill_values()
- line 99 of /backup/moodle2/backup_custom_fields.php: call to backup_nested_element->process()
- line 95 of /backup/util/structure/backup_nested_element.class.php: call to file_nested_element->process()
- line 95 of /backup/util/plan/backup_structure_step.class.php: call to backup_nested_element->process()
- line 153 of /backup/util/plan/base_task.class.php: call to backup_structure_step->execute()
- line 163 of /backup/util/plan/base_plan.class.php: call to base_task->execute()
- line 110 of /backup/util/plan/backup_plan.class.php: call to base_plan->execute()
- line 309 of /backup/controller/backup_controller.class.php: call to backup_plan->execute()
- line 111 of /backup/util/ui/backup_ui.class.php: call to backup_controller->execute_plan()
- line 89 of /backup/backup.php: call to backup_ui->execute()