Channel: Backup and restore
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Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' Restoring backup


by Matias Eduardo Bordone Carranza.  

Hi everybody. I'll describe my problem

I have to migrate a moodle 2.3 instalation. I  made the backup with phpmyadmin

in the new server when i try to restore the backup in a new and clean databse i have the following error

ERROR: C1 C2 LEN: 17 18 765
STR:MySQL: 5.6.26-log
PHP VER,OS: 5.2.17 Linux
LANG: esSQL: mebordon_mdl2.sql000644 001750 001750 02613375130 13107577031 015151 0ustar00matiasmatias000000 000000 -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 4.3.8
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Servidor: localhost
-- Tiempo de generación: 19-05-2017 a las 08:08:46
-- Versión del servidor: 5.6.32-78.1-log
-- Versión de PHP: 5.6.20


consulta SQL:

mebordon_mdl2.sql000644 001750 001750 02613375130 13107577031 015151 0ustar00matiasmatias000000 000000 -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 4.3.8 -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net -- -- Servidor: localhost -- Tiempo de generación: 19-05-2017 a las 08:08:46 -- Versión del servidor: 5.6.32-78.1-log -- Versión de PHP: 5.6.20 SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO";

MySQL ha dicho: Documentación

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'mebordon_mdl2.sql' at line 1 

So i tried to restore this file on a local database with the following result


Importing mebordon_mdl2.sql...

Finished executing script

ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 1152590: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'

Operation failed with exitcode 1


When i see the line 1152590 of the file i have this result



-- Indices de la tabla `mdl_assign`


ALTER TABLE `mdl_assign`

  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD KEY `mdl_assi_cou_ix` (`course`);


I looked for a duplicate entry on this table, but i didn't discover none duplicate entrance with the value 1

This is the insert sentence, but i don think this to be a problem


INSERT INTO `mdl_assign` (`id`, `course`, `name`, `intro`, `introformat`, `alwaysshowdescription`, `nosubmissions`, `preventlatesubmissions`, `submissiondrafts`, `sendnotifications`, `sendlatenotifications`, `duedate`, `allowsubmissionsfromdate`, `grade`, `timemodified`) VALUES

(1, 2, 'Actividad de Aprendizaje nro. 1. Obligatoria', ....., ) -- i ommited the hole sentence.


Can you give me a clue?

Thanks so much

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