by Will H.
Hi Ken,
The vagrant specs are default php7 and mysql 5.7. You can see the build script here:
As it happens, there are two monster courses. The first did restore to the VM. The second just failed. It expands to 375Mb, with >5000 enrolled students and roughly the same number of attempts. This other course generated a dmlwriteexception error.
Course reset > I've succeeded using the backup file but excluding the quiz. It's not the backup file which is at fault. I don't think that the reset option is going to solve this.
export the quiz bank > I haven't tried this. I'll look at it. I need the attempts to come through too though. I'm assuming that only the quiz structure comes through with an export.
Moosh> I have made good use of Moosh for restoring other courses on thisserver. It's been very useful. In the case of these 2 courses it didn't succeed. I've tried it again. As I write I can see this MySQL process:
Id User Host db Command Time State Info
196 moodle localhost moodle Query 0 query end INSERT INTO mdl_backup_ids_temp (backupid,itemname,itemid,newitemid,parentitemid,info) VALUES('....
I can watch the same MySQL process ID running different queries. In this instance it is supposed to be loading into table mdl_backup_ids_temp but the table never increases in size. Eventually the restore exits with the error ans warnings
Restore pre-check failed!
array(1) {
array(1) {
string(174) "The questions category "Default for level 2", originally at system/course category context in backup file, will be created at course context by restore"
which doesn't tell me anything useful.