by Ken Task.
Glad it helped and thanks for the feedback/suggestions.
The README didn't emphasize the requirement for a bash shell enough I guess. I'll re-word-smith it so that it 'stands out'.
For others reading this, here how one could find out if their shell is bash and if their system has xmllint:
env |grep SHELL
whereis xmllint
And for the version of xmllint:
xmllint --version
If, in the output of version, one doesn't see XPath then the scripts will not work.
As far as characters ... the php script that cleans up the filenames.txt file looks only for XML tags that enclose the humanly recognizable file names and the other entries in the XML file that Moodle uses ... a '.' and it did remove spaces in the file names themselves. Such as below:
# removes <filename> # removes </filename>
Since am not a true programmer, stopping at non-ascii characters will take some study to get the php script to work with all character sets me thinks. Might be a simple solution.
The only way I could see that/figure that out is to have a backup that contains such files/filenames.
Am certain the set of scripts could be much better programmed by someone who is a programmer. But, bottom line, better than nothing! ;)
Feel free to rate the postings that helped as 'useful'. ;)
'spirit of sharing', Ken