by Peter West.
Just saw this while browsing.
With respect to:
mysqldump -u moodleuser -p'pw' moodle > /var/www/moodlebu/mdldb-$(date +%Y%m%d%_-H%M%S).sqlyou can always try the embedded command ('date' in this case) from the command line, like so
$ date +%Y%m%d%_-H%M%S
For me, that gives
Note the 'H'. That's happening because you don't have a '%' in front of the 'H' in the command. As you noted, the '_' is not appearing in the output. That's because you do have a % in front of the '_'. date tries to interpret all characters with a preceding '%' as format specifiers. It doesn't know any format associated with '%_" so it just drops it.
The correct date command involves shifting the errant %. You can try from the command line
$ date +%Y%m%d_-%H%M%S
which gives me
The command line is very picky about the commands it receives.
Incidentally, you mentioned in your initial post that you got an error message about an unrecognised argument '--'. I suspect that you had a space between the '--' and the argument name for one of your arguments.